5: 𝐅𝗼𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝗼 𝐒𝗺𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐘𝗼𝐮 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝗺 𝐒𝗼 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝗼𝐧𝐠

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July 9, 2030

July 9th marked the start of treatment for Bennett. These radiation treatments would be done daily, for the next thirty days. Typically, these treatments are done with the patient awake, with them laying still on the table. Due to her relatively young age, and her attachment issues, the doctor and her parents decided that she will need to go under a general anesthetic, propofol. This will make her sleepy and calm, but wouldn't need intubation.

Before her first treatment session, Bennett had an appointment to have her mask fitted and made for the treatments. That mask will allow for consistent and accurate head positioning, and will help her remain still, though the propofol will also help.


Lucy, Tim, and Bennett arrived at the hospital at 9:00 that morning. Yes, it was relatively early, but the earlier they could get it over with each day, the better. The parents checked their five year old in, as the girl got her hospital bracelet for the day, Lucy and Tim collecting one to match, to confirm that is indeed their daughter. Once she was checked in, it was a waiting game. A waiting game to be called back to the room. A waiting game to put their daughter under a general anesthetic, and a waiting game while she has the radiation treatment.

A solid thirty minutes later, Bennett's name was called back. At the doors stood a young man, no older than 27 or so. Lucy and Tim walked back, hand in hand with Bennett. They took them straight back to the room where the radiation would be administered. The man did his typical checks, checking Bennett's vitals and asking the parents the necessary questions. Once everything had been taken care of and was correct, it was time to administer the medication, so Bennett could receive her treatment. The downside was, Bennett was terrified of needles.

"NO!" The little girl screamed, "No pokes, no pokes!" She begged, as the man informed the parents, "One of you may want to hold her." Tim didn't have to think twice before scooping Bennett up, as Lucy grabbed onto one of Bennett's little hands, to provide extra support. "I know, princess, I know you don't like needles, but we have to. You need the medicine" Tim whispered to his daughter, though it didn't seem to help much. Once Bennett was restrained, not ridiculously tight, the man was able to administer the propofol. The propofol kicked in relatively quickly, and afterwards, Bennett was placed on the table, both parents giving her a kiss on her head, before exiting the room, to go to the waiting room. After they had left, the doctor was able to get Bennett's radiation mask on, and begin the treatment.


The ten minutes that they were separated from their daughter felt like an infinity. They knew this was what they needed to do, but it hurt. It hurt to watch her scream before being stuck with the needle, and it hurt to watch her limp little body laid on a table.

A nurse soon came out of the doors, and into the waiting room. She found Lucy and Tim, and greeted them. "Her treatment is done, she did fantastic. She's a little groggy, but we've gotten her a juice box. Let her drink that and wake up a little more, and then you guys will be good to go, and we will see you back tomorrow morning," the nurse said, before taking the parents back down the hallway, to where Bennett was hanging out in one of the beds, sipping away on her juice box. Whenever she saw her parents enter the room, the joy came back on her face.

"Daddy! Mama!" Bennett exclaimed happily, as her parents made their way over and hugged her tightly. Before they were allowed to leave the hospital, the doctor made sure to run over each of the side effects that Bennett could experience, though none were different from what she experienced because of the tumor. She could be nauseous, have concentration or memory problems, have headaches, and everything her parents had already heard too many times before. Soon though, the family of three were allowed to exit the hospital, before they had to return every weekday for the next month. That was quite a long time, but if the treatments would help, then Tim and Lucy were going to do it. For Bennett.


The drive home lasted about thirty minutes, but realistically it was longer, as Bennett ended up not feeling well on the drive home, and needing to stop. Soon enough, they got home, and Tim carried Bennett into the house, as he typically would, and placed her on the couch. Both of the dogs greeted them, as Max went and laid on the couch right beside his girl.

Lucy went into the kitchen to start on lunch for the family, while Tim took Bennett some medicine to help her nausea. The medicine helped, and a more bland type lunch would be a little easier on her little stomach. After lunch had been made, eaten, and cleaned up, the family decided on an easy afternoon. They wanted to spend the time together, and relax after a relatively traumatizing morning, but they knew it had to happen again. Lucy and Tim knew that the next few weeks of this treatment were going to hopefully help Bennett, but they knew it would be very traumatic for her, having to get "poked" every weekday.


Later that afternoon, the family had a couple of visitors. To no one's surprise, it was Angela, Wesley, and their two children. The parents had come to visit with Tim and Lucy and to check in, and bringing the kids would hopefully bring a little cheer for Bennett, after such a hard morning.

Jack, his sister, and Bennett all played for a little while, both of Bennett's friends being willing to play whatever she wanted. While the children played, the parents talked about everything going on recently.

"Her first treatment started out as a hot mess," Lucy told their friends, with Tim nodding. "We should've seen it coming, honestly. She hates needles, and they had to stick her to administer her medicine to help her relax" he informed them. "Oh, poor baby girl," Angela said, her heart dropping a bit further. "I hate that you guys are having to go through this. It isn't fair." She told them. "We wish we didn't have to, but we know that everything happens for a reason," Lucy said.


A couple hours later, their friends said their goodbyes, and departed from Tim and Lucy's house, their children in tow. After they had gone, Tim, Lucy, and Bennett got ready to take a walk around the neighborhood, to get a bit more exercise, and to take the dogs. Sure, they had a fenced in backyard, but family walks were just as fun, and it was good for all of them.

They put Kojo on his leash, and left Max without one, like usual. Max was going to walk right beside Bennett, and would only part from her side if necessary. He wasn't aggressive around any other dogs, children, or people, so long as they aren't intimidating.

"Daddy, I don't wanna walk," Bennett told her father. "That's okay, princess. You can ride up on my shoulders, I know you like that" he told his daughter, as he could see an immediate smile shine across her little face. "Yes please, Daddy!" She said, happily. Tim picked her up and placed her on his shoulders, as Max found his new walking spot, still near his girl.

The family enjoyed their walk together, only being out for about thirty minutes or so, before Bennett grew tired, and it was near her bedtime as it was. So, they headed back to the house, and Tim and Bennett spent a few minutes on the couch, reading a book together.

Lucy had gone upstairs to shower and get ready for bed, and when she retreated downstairs, she found both Tim and Bennett still on the couch. Bennett was asleep on her father's lap, and Tim had managed to fall asleep on the couch, too. Max was in his typical spot nearby on the couch. Lucy smiled at her sleeping family, before snapping a quick picture, to keep in the memories, and in the memory book, when they would end up making it. "Come on, Kojo. You and I will go sleep in the bed," she told the other dog, as the two headed upstairs, leaving Tim and Bennett on the couch. They had a long month coming up, and that was only the beginning for them.

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