17: 𝐇𝗼𝐥𝐝 𝐘𝗼𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝗼𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

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June 25th, 2031

The trip to Disneyland had been going perfectly. Everyone was enjoying themselves thoroughly, and Tim and Lucy were loving watching the happiness through Bennett's eyes.

Throughout the trip, Bennett had used the wheelchair the entire time, other than on rides. If she was tall enough, she wanted to ride it, and her parents had decided they were going to let her. This whole ordeal had made them realize that life is fragile, and they need to live their lives to the fullest extent, while they are still able to do so.

Every day of their trip, the two parents were ever so grateful to see Bennett wake up each day, get dressed, and be ready to spend time at the parks.

This day, though, was different. It was officially Bennett's sixth birthday, and this was a birthday that realistically, Tim and Lucy didn't think they would be able to see with Bennett physically being with them. Being able to experience her birthday made their hearts swell. Another year in her book had started, but the realization that it could be the last, was always there in the back of their minds. They hated having to think about it, but they knew they had to.


That morning, Bennett woke up at the standard 7:00. That was her typical wake up time, and her parents were not those to complain about it. Granted, recently, it meant she was going to bed significantly earlier, but that was perfectly fine to them.

"Good morning, birthday princess!" Lucy greeted the now six year old as she sat up in the bed. "Hi Mama, hi Daddy!" Bennett said, and gave the two of them a smile. Once she had a few minutes to wake herself up, Lucy helped her get dressed and do her hair. They were not a family to "rope drop", they simply got to the parks after everyone had woken up, gotten ready, and eaten something. In Bennett's case, she had some medication that needed to be taken before they left the hotel. After she had taken it and they had all eaten breakfast, they loaded up in the car, and made their way back to the parks. This was the last full day they would be spending there, as they knew they needed to get home, to make a few more memories with Bennett.

The family left the hotel around 10 that morning. They went straight for the parks, and got in some lines to meet some of the characters. Bennett was excited to meet all of the princesses that were there, seeing as she was a huge princess fan. Every Halloween, Bennett was typically one of the princesses. Seeing her interacting with her favorite characters truly brought joy to the hearts of her parents.

After they spent some time meeting the princesses, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy, they headed to get in a few of the lines for some of the rides that Bennett had thoroughly enjoyed the days before. This day, though, was different.

Bennett only lasted for two rides, before she began to complain. "My head hurts, Mama, I don't wanna ride anymore," the six year old said. "Well, why don't we take a break, then. We can go find somewhere to sit and grab something to eat for lunch, and then if you still feel bad, we'll head back to the hotel and rest for a bit. Okay?" Lucy asked their daughter, as Bennett nodded. "Can we have macaroni?" Bennett asked, as Lucy chuckled. "Of course we can, baby girl. You're the birthday girl, after all." She told her, and smiled.

Tim pushed Bennett in her wheelchair, as they located one of the restaurant areas where they served macaroni and cheese, for Bennett's sake. She had eaten macaroni and cheese multiple times during the duration of the trip, but it truthfully didn't bother her parents at all. Tim and Lucy were simply thankful that Bennett was still eating, and was willing to eat food, at that.


The family spent about an hour in the restaurant, giving them time to cool off, enjoy their meal, and rest for a few minutes. Before they left the restaurant, Tim looked down to his daughter in her wheelchair. "How's the head, Bennie? Any better?" He asked her, as Bennett sadly shook her head. "No, Daddy, it still hurts me." She told him. "Well then, let's head to the hotel for a little while. Maybe some extra rest time, and maybe a little nap, will help you feel better." He told her, as Lucy pulled out the medicine they gave her during these headache spells. Lucy administered the medication, as Bennett chugged some more of her water, to cleanse her palate. Once she had finished that, they headed out of the park, hopeful that they would be back that day, before they had to head back to Los Angeles.


Once they got back to the hotel, Tim laid Bennett down in the bed, who fell asleep almost instantly. They knew she was extremely tired, just as she had been. They hated having to make her leave the park, where she was clearly enjoying herself, but they needed to for her sake.

Bennett slept for a total of three hours, before she woke up at around 4 that afternoon. "Hey there, princess. Feeling any better?" Tim asked their daughter, as the girl nodded. "A little bit, Daddy." She told him, as she snuggled up close to Tim. Lucy came over, before she asked Bennett, "Do you feel like going back to the park today, or should we just relax here?" The six year old thought for a moment, before she decided on what to do. "We can stay here, can we read books?" She asked her parents, as both of them agreed instantly. "We can read whatever you want, princess." Lucy told her.

Bennett dug around in her backpack, before she found the book she wanted to read. "Daddy read it?" She asked Tim, as he agreed.

The family spent the remainder of the night reading books and spending quality time with one another. When it got close to time for bed, Bennett was bathed and tucked into the bed, before they completed their same bedtime routine, as if they were home, ending the night with a bedtime story, and a kiss on the forehead from both of her parents.


Tim, Lucy, and Bennett headed home the following day, leaving the hotel at 11 that morning. They made it home a few hours later, before heading back into the house to be reunited with Kojo and Max, and before they left their unpacking for a later time.

The Disneyland trip was a pretty big success, and boy were Lucy and Tim exceptionally grateful for that.

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