Public announcement 1

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These are one of many public announcements to update you on what I am currently working on, but these have no temporal placements.

you can skip it; however, it answers some questions that many might have.

Thank you for reading and supporting this book I am writing. Your presence here supports me a lot. I am making a few changes to how I write the following chapters. The changes are below.

I will be creating a podcast and YouTube channel where I read the chapters so you can also hear how the characters sound and behave. This is all new to me, so bear with me. The podcast transcribing of the chapters will be released every other week, so you will be getting content every week. The link will be in the header of the proceeding chapters moving forward and in my bio if you are interested. This also applies to uploading to YouTube channels.

All my chapter's names are in Latin however, moving forward, I will upload the English translation at the end of the chapters. Try to figure out the chapter's main theme by the end, or just Google translate it to your choice. 

I also wanted to let you all know that I am currently in college pursuing an intense science degree, so it will take me some time to get into the rhythm of uploading. However, I promise you that I will finish this book I am writing and will not let you all down. It is also summertime, so I have a lot more time to upload. 

I also spend a good amount of time editing these chapters, so I might not make the weekly deadline. However, I believe in quality over quantity, and I will not upload a mediocre chapter. I would rather wait.

I welcome conversations. If you like the book and want to talk to me, feel free to do so. I have so many great ideas and concepts I would like to discuss with you all.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Stay safe out there.

Discord: or (Mankind's last silhouette) is the name.

Youtube Channel: TBH

Spotify Podcast: or the name (Mankind's last Silhouette) is the name.

Mankinds last SilhouetteWhere stories live. Discover now