Chapter Six

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A few days had passed since the trio ratted me out. The King sent a few of his men to collect the money, which he never gave me.

I'll chain you to my throne by your ankles and you won't ever leave the palace again.

The King's words played over and over again in my mind. I was already trapped there. What more did he want?

I laid on the same bench in the courtyard again watching Leila as she painted a beautiful winter scenery. A thick layer of snow coated the area and despite the bright sun shining down, not a single snowflake had melted. The bare branches turned white, hanging low from the weight of the icicles.

The paint brush fit perfectly in her delicate fingers, movements smooth and soft as the brush trailed across the canvas, colours blending into a breathtaking picture.

A guard informed me that morning that the King requested my presence in the afternoon meeting with his inner circle. Unease had my palms sweaty and muscles tight as I counted down the minutes. I was rarely ever included in important meetings.

The Princess doesn't worry about Kingdom politics; the Prince constantly reminded me.

The majority of my role included attending events and making connections with the people to maintain positive relations. But I had knowledge and skills that were useful. My Father started training me to act and think like a General when I was young. They never appreciated everything I had to offer.

The front hall was empty, just like every other hallway in the place.

I turned down the hall and as soon as he saw me, the guard on the right pulled back one of the doors opening up the throne room to me. He nodded politely as I walked through.

My chest tightened at the sight of the King sprawled out across his throne, as per usual.

Prince Roan's eyes widened as soon as he saw me. He sat on the smaller throne to the left of the King; rigid and cold, just like the puppet he was crafted to be. A reminder that he would never be his Father. He would never be as tall or as muscular, or as wise, or as powerful. The King told him enough times that he certainly believed it.

I sauntered up the emerald path until I reached my Dad, who stood before the King alongside a few other members of the court. On his right was Nestor, the King's Second in command.

Myron eyed me from the left, with those same cruel eyes. He was a rat and knew how to manipulate the King better than anyone. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do, and destroy anyone who gets in your way. He never supported my engagement to Prince Roan. I assumed it was because he worried that having me in the inner circle gave my Dad more power than him.

On Myron's left was D'Angelo, the King's emissary. One I thought was a rat like Myron, but after our recent encounter in the forest, I wasn't too sure what to think of him. Or the advice he gave me. He didn't ask for anything in return, but I figured that one day he would. My Dad taught me that nothing is free in this life.

"Thank you for joining us, little viper," the King said.

I bowed gracefully before him. "Of course. It is my duty to serve this family and Kingdom in any way that I can."

Myron scoffed. "Always so prim and proper."

I sent him a kind, innocent smile, hiding my resentment beneath the surface. What those fools never realized was that I too knew how to manipulate the King.

"Speak now, D'Angelo," the King commanded.

The emissary stepped forward, bowing before he spoke. "We received word that our soldier was captured by the Queen in the East before he could get back."

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