Chapter Thirty Nine

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The open plane of grass was exactly as I remembered it.

Caeden and I walked side by side up the narrow stone path leading through the center of the grass to the front of the palace.

No one greeted me upon my arrival, unsurprisingly. Guards circulated the front, surveying the palace grounds as usual. Palace staff scurried along tending to their daily chores.

But they all made a point of stopping for a moment to stare, eyes filled with disgust as they whispered vile things about the monster at my side.

The rescued soldier walked close behind us, following me as I led the way through the empty halls to the King.

As we reached the throne room, the guards heaved both doors open, giving us a full view of the crowd looming inside. The King was perched upon his throne with two unfamiliar female friends perched on either armrest beside him.

Despite the effective distraction, his eyes landed directly on me as I strode through the threshold. Startled by our arrival, he straightened on the throne, nodding cheekily to dismiss his friends.

King Reyes' lips curled up into the same wicked grin. His eyes followed every step I took up the center of the room, until they snagged on the man behind me.

Myron scowled. But I ignored it as I scanned the room for my Dad. Relief flashed over his face as he threw his arms around me.

Finally, he stepped back letting me return to Caeden's side, standing before the King. The rest of the crowd stepped aside, making space for us to bring the King his soldier.

Guards - who hadn't been there when I arrived - appeared and filed into the room. They crowded around, keeping a few feet of distance between us. Their whispers grew, echoing even greater against the walls, filling me to the core with blazing wrath.

"Well, it seems like I was smart to put my faith in you, little viper." The abhorrent nickname was the only reason I knew the King had been speaking to me, because his attention was focused entirely on his soldier.

I cleared my throat and stepped aside, letting the soldier pass between me and Caeden. Without hesitation, the guard strode forward, straight toward his master and dropped to a knee. "My King."

"Did you retrieve the item?" King Reyes leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees.

"Yes, your Majesty." The soldier's hand slipped into his pocket, pulling out a small object with it.

An object he must have stolen from the Queen. Where else would he have gotten it when he had been locked up in her prison?

Caeden and I turned to each other, anger and confusion spread across our faces.

The King nodded, pulling the small, silver object from the soldier's hand. He held it up, showing the room his new prize. A silver three headed dog, the size of an acorn. Red rubies eyes glowed against the light.

"We did all this for a metal dog?" I glanced over at my Dad, whose expression was branded with the same shock as mine.

"Not just a metal dog," the King paused. If I had ever seen anything sinister in my life, it was the expression on the King's face as he licked his lips, eyeing the object in his hand. "This magical relic will give me more power than you could ever imagine."

"There was never any threat of a war, was there?"

The smirk spreading wider was indication enough of his answer. The King shook his head and leaned back against the throne, grip still tight on the dog. "Capture him."

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