Chapter Twenty Six

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Dark Desires.

The dazzling red lights of the club sign could be seen from blocks away. But you

didn't need to see the sign to know about the infamous club on the corner. Apparently.

Despite the chill of the air, I was too warm. My face was hot to the touch, burning red I presumed. Even before we neared the notorious club, my heart was already racing. If the monsters looked anything like the prison guard, I was sure to lose sleep over it.

On the opposite side of the wide street, the Shadow Knight stopped me, keeping me far from the monsters we were about to encounter.

He stood in front of me, blocking my sight of the building. "When we go in, you have to stay sharp. You're human and some of them are going to smell that the second you walk through the door," he explained. "You know how to fight but try to avoid any unnecessary conflicts, just ignore them. We don't need any problems tonight. Stay close to me so that they know I brought you there and do not take drinks from strangers."

Two bouncers guarded the door checking everyone into the club, one by one as they slowly made their way through the line of monsters that filled the street. But we didn't line up.

The Shadow Knight walked straight to the front door and into the club, with me by his side. The bouncers - tall, green, with pointy noses - nodded to him as we passed. Their eyes burned with intrigue as they eyed me up and down, tongues dragging across their dirty lips. And at one point, I could have sworn they sniffed me.

The hard muscles flexed beneath my fingertips as I held Caeden's arm and followed him through the large space. Both because of the pretend date we were on and also to help steady myself in the heeled shoes. I thought I was doing better until I tripped on the sidewalk and Vincent caught me, just before I fell flat on my ass.

Despite the distractions, every single monster in the room kept their attention solely focused on us. Solely focused on the monster traipsing a disgusting human through their Kingdom.

The team peeled off to the sides, Naia and Mia to one, and Danver and Vincent to the other.

As the Prince's fiance, I was used to groups of people staring at me, but this felt different.

And I couldn't help but think that maybe I had a death wish. There I was, a human girl, standing in a club full of monsters. The kind that haunted your dreams. And my main source of protection? A monster I met a few months ago.

My fingers tightened on his bicep and I tugged him closer. monsters strolled by us, gritting their teeth in disgust, lingering far too long to simply be passing by. After nodding to the monster at my side, their attention drifted to me; staring, licking their lips, sniffing. Like I was some sort of cake on display at the local bakery.

As we strode across the black floor toward the bar, Caeden glanced up to the second level above us briefly, before lowering his gaze. "Don't look yet but Corvina is sitting alone on the second floor."

I nodded, casually glancing around before finally turning my gaze to the monster above us. Corvina sat alone at the far side of the club watching everyone through the glass floor beneath her feet.

Spotlights on the ceiling projected a bunch of different colours over the area. The lights reflected against the glossy black surfaces in the club.

A lavender grid glowed from beneath the glass bartop at the center of the room. Empty tall chairs were spread along the bar.

Caeden's fingers rested against mine, pulling my hand from his arm. He slid out the centermost chair for me to sit. The velvet, cushioned back held me in place as he pushed me closer to the bar top and took the seat next to mine. My legs dangled from the height, ankles tapping against the thin metal bar across the legs of the chair.

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