Chapter Thirty

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I remained on my side for a few minutes but the thought of the hardness pressing into me made it nearly impossible to sleep. Maybe resting against my side would be less enticing, I told myself as I turned onto my back. But his position remained unchanged.

My options were limited. I could either face him, stay on my back, turn away from him, or sleep on the ground. But sleeping on the ground was definitely not an option.

I stilled as his fingers began tracing circles on my stomach travelling further and further down. The thin fabric was the only thing separating his skin from mine. One finger slipped under the waistband of my pants slowly. Followed by another, and another.

His hand continued down and he moaned into my ear at the wetness that greeted his fingers.

"You smell delicious enough to eat," he said, tongue grazing against the outer shell of my ear.

He placed a kiss on my neck in sync with the stroke of his finger exactly where I needed him. Head dipping back, my hips arched off the bed as he moved again. Each sensation was strong, better than the last.

My muscles tightened, heart crashing against my chest.

I lifted my hips again, urging him to continue.

And he obliged.

It was so wrong, but it felt so right.

Until he pulled his hand away. Caeden sat up, pushing the blankets away. He rose to his knees and his hands landed on my thighs, spreading them wide as he settled between them.

My skin chilled as he gripped the hem of shirt, bunching it up at my breasts.

The coldness was soon replaced by the warmth of his lips as he trailed kisses down my stomach all the way to the top of the only piece of fabric separating him from me.

With one fast, incredibly skilled, and wickedly unhuman movement, he slid my pants off and tossed them off to the side.

His fingers settled under the thighs, lifting them over his shoulders. His arms wrapped around my hips as he stared up at me intently, kissing his way up the inside of my thigh.

The light touch had heat crawling through me. And the desire burning in his eyes as he gazed up at me filled me with an ache that felt like pure ecstasy.

One long, slow lick from the base all the way up. Followed by another and another.

He raised his head to look at me once again. A smirk smeared across his face before diving back down.

Arms hooked around my hips, he held me against him, moving exactly where and how I wanted, as if he could my very thoughts directing him.

Deeper, his tongue plunged deeper and deeper.

And I reached my hands into his hair, fingers tangling into the brown waves. But he remained focused, entirely determined to see me through the pleasure shattering my body.

Teeth grazed against me and I cried out, "Cae-"

I blinked and blinked as the daze faded from my eyes, from my mind. It took a minute for me to remember where I was and what I was doing.


Stiffness in my fingers drew my attention down from the chest I was resting my head on, to the spot where my hand was clenched with a fistful of shirt. I slowly lifted my head from the firm pillow substitute I had been using and tilted the other way to find that face smirking down at me. The same face I had just dreamed about being buried deep between my thighs.

"Can't keep your hands off me, can you, Princess?" he purred.

And that's when it finally fit me. What the fuck?

I flew back off the bed, smoaking my head on the wall as I fell into the space between it and the mattress. The back of my skull throbbed as I gripped my head, cursing loudly at the surge of pain, at myself, and most importantly at the monster in the bed.

He sat up against the headboard and stretched his arm behind his head, showing off the muscles in his bicep. But my eyes narrowed as I glared at him, still silently sobbing and clutching my skull.

"You must have been having some pretty sexy dreams about me," he drawled, deep and raspy from having woken up moments before. Seductive. "You were moaning."

My face burned, red with embarrassment, red with anger. But the pain slowly started to ease in my head.

Caeden got out of the bed and sauntered toward the bathroom. Just before he closed the door behind him, he turned back to look at me. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. You make the most delicious noises."

He closed the door behind him just in time to dodge the pillow I whipped in his direction. 

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