Chapter Twenty Eight

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I wandered through the streets aimlessly, for no reason other than mere habit. No different than I had done back home, strolling down the streets with no purpose, no goal in sight, merely occupying my time until I found something else to do. The only difference was the company I kept at my side.

No one.

No guards, no soldiers, no royal family members. Just me and my thoughts.

The overcast midday sky was peaceful. monsters sat at patio tables out front of restaurants, smiling and waving to me. Not all of the monsters truly despised the humans like the stories had said.

The unique colours of jewels on display were more than enough to keep me hovering out front of the shop window. Technically, Caeden had given me spending money, but it felt wrong to use it.

A young woman stood behind a see-through counter inside the shop, smiling at me through the glass. Her own hands were covered in the same jewellery she was trying to sell to the young couple standing across the counter from her.

I thought to myself, maybe I could just buy one small thing and pay him back later-

"There's Caedan's bitch," a voice growled behind me. "The human from the club I was telling you about."

I swivelled around. A group of monsters circled around me, at least three, no four. Including the monster who grabbed me on my way out of the club.

The blue and purple skin was bumpy and swollen from the unhealed shattered bones.

"I guess the Shadow Knight doesn't care about his human trash that much if he left you alone here," the monster sneered, shoving his broken hand into the pocket of his coat.

Don't let them see your fear.

"Or maybe he respects the fact that I can take care of myself," I said, spine straight and rigid.

My eyes scanned over them, drawing out the soldier in me to calculate how the fuck I was going to survive that.

"I guess we'll see about that." One of the monsters on the right leaped toward me. His arm swung out and I ducked, narrowly missing his fist. As I bounced back up, I swung my own fist toward him, but he blocked it.

I glared into his eyes, preparing to swing my other first. But he stopped suddenly and stepped back. Just like the Lion had.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to run before I cut out your tongues and pluck out your eyeballs," Vincent barked, stepping up beside me.

The monsters didn't even glance at each other before they spun on their feet and sprinted off down the street.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"You spar a few times with Danver and suddenly think you're the Queen of the monsters," Vincent replied sarcastically.

"I knew you liked me." I smiled and nudged him with my elbow. The half smile on his face was good enough for me. "Will the monster's hand ever heal?"

"It will. Yes. Once Caeden decides it. But for now, it will remain broken, as it should for what he did."

"Caeden has the power to do that?"

"He has the power to do a lot of things." Vincent lifted his chin to the street ahead of us and we continued down the stone path, making our way back home.

Silence rose between us. But it wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence. Comfortable silence from a monster who was used to being quiet.

"I know it's not my business," I said, glancing at Vincent sidelong. "But do you and Mia have plans on getting married? Or whatever it is that monsters do. You've been together for a very long time."

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