Chapter Thirty Seven

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When I woke up that morning, there was no lingering sadness within me. Instead it was pure emptiness. The ache was gone, leaving behind a giant gaping hole in its place. I knew it was the last time I'd wake up in that room, in that bed. The last time I'd wake up and be excited for the day, thinking about seeing the team and imaging the types of missions we would go on.

We positioned ourselves in the forest surrounding the back of the Queen's palace. From being trapped there ourselves, we now knew where the cells were and when the guards changed their shifts. Vincent had said that it would be a good plan to rescue the soldier right away, because the Queen wouldn't be expecting us to return so soon.

A foggy mist hung low in the air as we crouched behind the cold stone wall separating us from the back door of the palace. Only half a dozen guards circulated the back area because who would be foolish enough to break into the Queen's palace?

As I peeked over the barrier, they suddenly dropped to the ground in unison.

And my attention immediately went to Caeden, whose face was unbothered, relaxed. "Are they dead?"

"No," he replied, lowering his hands to lift me over the wall.

Naia and Danver moved in first as they climbed up the wall and scanned the area. The stone scraped against the gloves Danver gave me as Caeden hoisted me up against the wall. My arms wrapped over the top curve and I swung my leg over. Danver waited at the bottom for me, but I slid down the wall on my own. Caeden, Vincent, and Mia soon followed after.

With the guards temporarily unconscious, we strode right through the backyard of the palace, to the door. Surprisingly, the heavy door didn't creak as Naia pushed it open, but we still kept our eyes peeled.

Unlike the King's palace, the halls of the Queen's palace were modern and elegantly decorated. Simple, light coloured curtains hung over the arched windows. Gold framed paintings lined the inner walls as we tiptoed toward the staircase near the back, leading to the basement.

To the prison.

Danver raised his hand, stalling us at the end of the hall. We stayed silent as he listened around the corner for any guards, but there wasn't one. We hadn't encountered a single guard yet.

My stomach twisted and tension snuck into my shoulders. A feeling I could only describe as uneasiness. Uneasiness at the apparent emptiness of the Queen's palace. My fingers wrapped around Caeden's forearm, drawing his attention to me. "Something doesn't feel right. This is too easy."

Without taking his eyes off the area ahead of us, he whispered, "agreed."

Despite the large sword sheathed against their backs, Danver and Naia moved swiftly, nimbly. As did the entire team.

The arched wood door to the prison was unlocked. There was not a single guard standing outside or inside the prison. The prison cells were empty and open, save for the one the Abneerian soldier was in.

The chain around the cell door snapped apart as Vincent and Caeden pulled against it. As soon as the door opened, the soldier stood, but for a man who had been kidnapped and detained, he appeared to be in no hurry as he bent forward, bowing to me. "Your Highness."

"Not here," I replied, moving into the cell to grab him.

I was practically dragging him through the palace by his arm as we followed our path toward the door we came through. Vincent and Mia led the way back. Caeden and I sandwiched the soldier in the middle of us, and Danver and Naia followed close behind.

The moment Vincent swung the door open, I saw it-

The palace halls, the staircase, the prison were empty, unguarded, because the entire royal guard now filled the backyard of the palace. Waiting for us.

I nudged Caeden with my elbow. "I guess that's why."

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