USJ Part 2: Truth Revealed and a surprise.

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(Main area)

We go back to where the remaining students and teachers are.13 is currently subduing the mist villain. However,

??:Ah, Blackhole. A very useful quirk. However I cannot allow this to continue.

The mist villain then opened up a warp gate right behind her. Luckily, Dedede noticed and managed to save 13 before it was too late by tackling her.

??: How noble. I wouldn't expect any less from the kingly Dedede.

Dedede: Are you alright 13?

13: yeah. Thanks. Crap. He knows how to turn my quirk against myself.

Dedede: No worries. I can handle him. Iida! Run to the exit! Now!

Iida: Yes Dedede sensei!

Iida then used his quirk to dash to the door. The most villain tried to stop him but then

 The most villain tried to stop him but then

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Dedede started inhaling the mist villain.

??: You think that will stop me?!

The mist villain then made another warp gate...well, he tried. Dedede's inhale was so strong, the mist villain was unable to make a warp gate in time.

??: What?! Crap! His inhale is too strong.

Iida then managed to make his way outside.

??: Damn. I failed. I must inform Tomura.

The mist villain then made his way back to Tomura by making a portal behind him, where Dedede couldn't inhale it until he stepped through.

Dedede: Damn. He got away. At least backup is on the way.

(With Magolor)

The group of six had decided to watch Aizawa and Meta Knight fight to see if they could lighten the load.

But they weren't the only ones watching. Everyone in the USJ was watching the fight with the same intention. (Except for the ones with the most villain, since this is happening while they are against him.)

(With Aizawa and Meta Knight)

Tomura was muttering to himself.

Tomura: First it was 23 second.

Aizawa: Final boss.

Aizawa then threw his scarf at Tomura who caught it while still muttering to himself.

Tomura: Then it was 24 seconds.

Meta Knight kept on attacking the remaining villains as Aizawa rushed over to Tomura.

Tomura: Then 20. Then 17.

Aizawa then elbowed him only for him to have caught it. This shocked everyone watching.

Tomura: It was hard to see because you kept on moving around. But I found your tell. It's your hair. When it falls, it means that you stopped using your quirk. You're having to blink more often.

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