1-B final exams part 3: Rounds 9, 10, and 11

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Round 9:

Flame Stone and Arctic Dragonfish were rushing to the exit but was stopped by Coo's feathers.

Coo: You won't be getting past me.

Coo fired feather after feather after feather to try and hit them. Thankfully, Flame Stone was burning down as many feathers as he could. But he was also needing to protect Arctic Dragonfish by transforming into stone. However, Flame Stone was still taking plenty of damage. Not as much as Arctic Dragonfish would have if he was being hit, but he was still taking plenty of damage.

Flame Stone: We aren't going to be able to escape  from Coo. He has great speed. We need to defeat him!

Arctic Dragonfish: But how?!

Flame Stone: We draw him up close and then hit him with a Splash Curling.

Arctic Dragonfish: Good thinking!


Flame Stone and Arctic Dragonfish then rush off to the exit with Coo on their trails as he then charges right at them.

Coo: You dolts! Telling me to come at you is such a-

Flame Stone: ADF! NOW!!!

Arctic Dragonfish then transforms Flame Stone into a Splash curling by combining his water power with Flame Stone's stone power. This ended up launching him right at Coo's face.

Coo: GAAAAAH!!!!!

Coo was then knocked out and Flame Stone put the cuffs on him. Thus, winning the match.

Round 10:

Jack Mantis and Real Steel were on their way to the exit. But before they could escape...Meta Knight showed up.

Meta Knight: *Mexican music plays* I will not allow you heroes to escape. You will fight me. Now! So draw your quirks and face me, young heroes.

Jack Mantis: Fine! But I just have one question for you!

Meta Knight: and what would that be?

Jack Mantis: What's with the Mexican music?

Meta Knight: To be honest...I do not know. Now! Fight me!

Meta Knight then charged forward, but was then blocked by Jack Mantis' blades.

However, Jack Mantis was pushed back by the impact, giving Meta Knight the perfect opportunity to unleash a bunch of sword beams.

Luckily, Real Steel was able to block the sword beams with his quirk. But it still hurt a lot.

Real Steal: Damn! So this is the power of the number 2 hero huh? Nasty stuff!

Jack Mantis: Are you Ok?

Real Steel: Yeah! I'm fine! I'll act as your shield! You just do what you do best! Remember, those weights will eat at his stamina! Also, I don't think he can fly with all of that extra weight on him!

Jack Mantis: Right! Let's do this!

And so the two heroes in training rushed right at Meta Knight.

Meta Knight was good at countering and attacking, but it was pretty clear that he was slowly losing steam faster than the others.

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