Sports Festival Part 8: Final Round and Award ceremony

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It was finally time for the final round. Izuku vs. Bakugo.

Both sides were ready to end this sports festival and make a point to each other. One to prove that he's the strongest. And one to prove he's not worthless.

Midnight: Begin!


Bakugo then propels himself forward to Izuku, not knowing that he had just made a horrible mistake.

Bakugo: DIE!

Izuku pulls up his magic barrier and blocks the explosion. But he now has an angry look on his face.

Izuku: Now I'm mad! NEVER INSULT MY FRIENDS!!!!!

Izuku attacks with a bunch of magic spheres and knocks Bakugo back.

Bakugo: DIE!!!

Izuku: Magic barrier!

Izuku put up a magic barrier and tried to block the explosion. But Bakugo changed his trajectory and launched himself over Izuku and blasted into his back, which wasn't covered by the magic barrier.

Izuku: Grah! Damn. Magolor Surge!

Izuku charges at Bakugo and lands a hit on him. Nearly sending him out of bounds. But he adjusted himself like with Izumi.


Izuku: Revolution flames!

He launched the flames at point blank ranger and hits Bakugo. Bakugo screamed in pain and grabbed Izuku's face and released a bunch of explosions.

Izuku: AAAAAGH!!!!

Bakugo: Now do you understand why you're nothing?! YOU WORTHLESS DEKU?!


Izuku then blasts Bakugo at point blank range.


He couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence because Izuku was giving him the most frightening death stare that I cannot show for legal purposes. (Totally not because I'm too lazy to find an image)

Izuku: I can't believe...I spent so many years coping with the pain of being treated like trash and being rejected by society. I'm sick and tired of people like you. IF ONLY YOU WERE QUIRKLESS! MAYBE THEN WE WOULD STILL BE FRIENDS! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! SO BAKUGO! BEHOLD THE POWERS THAT ARE UNDER MY CONTROL!

Izuku then charged up all his magic into one final attack.

Izuku: EAT THIS FINAL ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!

Izuku: EAT THIS FINAL ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!

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Izuku: MONSTER FLAME!!!!!!!!

Bakugo could only stand and watch out of fear, as the attack hit him dead on, causing the arena to explode. When the smoke cleared, Bakugo was knocked out. Izuku lied about not holding back. He held back a lot because he still didn't want to kill him. What he didn't know however, was that that final attack he did, had finally caused Bakugo to realize something: He was not as strong as he believed. He could never hope to make an attack THAT powerful. But most importantly, he realized that he had lost. And had to accept it.

Midnight: B-B-Bakugo is out of bounds and unconscious. Izuku wins.

Everyone cheered him for such a good show, and Izuku felt relieved to have won against his main tormentor. He was happy to have released all the hatred he had kept inside and was ready for anything to come.

Now let's go to the awards ceremony

Midnight: Due to some family issues, Izumi could not be here. But we still have Izuku, Bakugo, and Susie.

Izuku was smiling, Susie was tinkering with some gadgets, and Bakugo was completely silent.

Midnight: and the one to bring in the medals is: Meta Knight!!!

Meta Knight: Hello everyone. You all worked so hard today. Use this experience to learn a few things. Susie. You showed great strategy with your opponents. But remember, it takes more than brains to win. Here is your medal. Bakugo. While I don't agree with your ideals, I will admit that you do indeed have incredible strength. As well as a strategic mind. However, it was your temper that cost the match. When you are filled with hatred, you lose sight of your goal. And that will lead to you not only harming the innocent, but yourself as well. Remember that. Here is your medal. And don't forget, this is only the start of the school year. There is still plenty of room to grow. And Izuku. You have impressed everyone with your incredible abilities, and analytic mind. But never lose sight of your true goal. Take that to heart. Here is your medal.

Everyone in the stands were in awe about Meta Knight's wisdom as well as being unbiased.

Random Guy: Hey. How come he is only the number two hero?

Random girl: No clue. Maybe it will change one day. *whispers* I've heard about some bad things All Might did. He needs to learn a thing or two one day.

Meta Knight: And with that, the sports festival is over. So everyone it's like we always say at this school. Go beyond

Everyone: PLUS ULTRA

And with that, the sports festival came to an end. Everyone went back home and when the Star Allies arrived back at the Lor, they saw Eri, Inko, and Izumi playing Uno together. Things were going great.


All for One: So, Izuku won the sports festival. I knew he could do it.

Nana: As did I. I wonder what else awaits for him.

All for One: Whatever it is, he will only get stronger. And it appears that my brother's quirk is now in the possession of someone who is pure of heart. More so than that blonde buffoon.

Nana: That's good. Do you think he'll be able to defeat Garaki?

All for One: Of course. But I know that he won't be alone. Izuku and his friends will always have his back. Garaki, your days are numbered.

(Sorry most of the fight scenes in this arc were short. I had trouble thinking up most of them and honestly, I find the Sports Festival arc to be rather boring in comparison to the other arcs. Of course, if you like it more than I do, I'm not saying that's wrong.)

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