1-B final exams Part 4: rounds 12 and 13

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Round 12: Comicman and Gevaudan were fleeing the area but Daroach then showed up out of nowhere. But he looked a little different. He wasn't wearing red...he was wearing purple.


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Comicman and Gevaudan: AAAAAAAHHHHH!

Daroach: I am Dark Daroach! You heroes will never be able to stop me! MUAHAHAHA!

Dark Daroach then starts unleashing a massive ice beam while teleporting all over the place making it nearly impossible to hit. He then uses his Triple Star cane and makes a direct hit. Comicman and Gevaudan are forced to run and take cover.

Comicman: Damn. Dark Daroach is strong. How can we possibly defeat him?

Gevaudan: We need to think about our strategy. Remember Magolor's notes on Daroach. Analyze the situation.

Comicman: Right! Let's see...Daroach is fast and strong...or at least...that's what he seems. It's not that Daroach is weak, but...

Gevaudan: with all of his support items at his disposal, he has a large variety of attacks. While his quirk only allows him to teleport a few centimeters at a time. The main problem is his support items. So if we can snag them...

Comicman: Then Dark Daroach will be practically defenseless. On top of that, those weighted cuffs will tire him out. He may be able to move with his teleportation, but he needs the support items to attack and if he doesn't have enough stamina to even lift them, he can't attack.

Gevaudan: Alright! We have a plan! Let's put it to action!

The two then approach Dark Daroach.

Dark Daroach: Well well well. Look what we have here. I guess you guys want to-TRIPLE STAR!

Dark Daroach then fires his triple star cane at them. Luckily, Comicman used his onomatopoeias to reflect the Triple Stars back at Dark Daroach and was hit head on. In his shock, he dropped his Triple Star cane and Gevaudan grabbed it.

Dark Daroach: Not bad. But I still have my ice cane.

Dark Daroach then fires off an ice beam. But thanks to Comicman and hid onomatopoeias, Gevaudan was safe. Gevaudan then took a page out of Pokémon and used dig. He then appeared behind Dark Daroach and gave him a massive punch in his beast form. Dark Daroach was sent flying while he lost his grip on his Ice cane. Comicman then took it.

Dark Daroach: Clever.

Comicman: I'll bet. We are da bomb!

Dark Daroach smirked.

Dark Daroach: Bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend! 'Yeah. I've been spending too much time with Gooey.'

Dark Daroach then unleashes a massive fire bomb that nearly burns them to a crisp when it exploded into a fiery tornado. Daroach was about to grab another bomb but his stamina was shot. He was so into the battle that he forgot about the weighted cuffs. And that gave Comicman and Gevaudan the opportunity to finally handcuff him. And so that's what they did.

Daroach: Well done you two. I'm proud of you for taking the old saying of "brain over brawn" to heart.

And just like that, the match was over.

Round 13:  Spider King and Spider Queen were flying through the city. They were completely outmatched when it came to DMK. They knew that very well. But unfortunately, DMK appeared and began to attack them.

DMK: Well! If it isn't the queen I corrupted and her pathetic pawn. You may have escaped the control of Dark Mind, but you will never escape death from the hands of me! Dark Meta Knight!

Spider King and Spider Queen felt terrified. What DMK said was something that haunts them. Why is he saying it? To help them move on from the horrible past that they had experienced.

Spider King: My Queen. We have to flee. We both know that we are no match for Dark Meta Knight.

Spider Queen: You're right. But he'll never let us escape. We have to find a way to stop him in his tracks.

The two then started to rush to the exit while coming up with a plan. Then, Spider King got an idea.

Spider King: My Queen! You rush to the exit while I carve up one massive blast to send Dark Meta Knight flying!

Spider Queen nodded and flew as fast as she could with Spider King right behind, charging up a blast. Unfortunately, DMK caught up to Spider Queen and was about to attack.

DMK: Goodbye you worthless Queen.

Spider King heard that and the rage he felt for his loved one being hurt motivated him and his charged attack suddenly got a massive boost.


Spider King then tackled DMK and while falling, Spider King unleashed a massive blast. One stronger than he has ever done. DMK was then sent flying out of the area. Before he could get back, Spider King and Queen had made it to the exit. They had one the match. DMK then approached them.

DMK: I hope you understood why I brought up such painful memories.

Spider King: Yeah. I do.

Spider Queen: You wanted us to move on from our mistakes and focus on the future, right?

DMK nodded.

DMK: Indeed. If you hold on to such painful memories and only focus on that, your skills will dull. And you can't be a hero if you're not even focused.

The couple smiled and nodded. And just like that, the match was over. Only one match to go.

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