Now that she knew that two of the black cats had been her friends since she was a kitten, Misty set out to find whether she knew the third black cat too. She decided to start by interrogating Jade.
She found Jade in her usual alley, between Ebony's house and his neighbors', who owned a dog. It was filled with little bits of things that humans had lost, rolls of tape Jade had snatched, and contraptions that Jade had made herself.
Jade was working on her newest invention, a flinger that only requires one user. She used tape, bits of pipe, and a plastic board that had come off of one of the humans' tiny picnic tables. The tape had claw marks, showing how Jade had used it.
"Hey, Misty, would you be willing to help me with this weight?" Jade asked through her teeth as Misty approached. She was pulling a string over a pipe that was hanging loosely from Ebony's roof.
"I don't know how I could help, you seem to have a handle on it by yourself."
Jade jumped off of the roof, still holding the string in her mouth. It was tied to a bag full of something heavy, now dangling from the pipe.
Jade stepped on to the lower end of the flinger and let go of the string. The bag fell perfectly onto the other end, knocking her off balance into the nearby pile of blankets she slept in. "Perfect landing!" She said proudly. "Now, what were you wanting to talk to me about?"
"Did you go to the party this morning?" Misty asked, distractedly examining the flinger.
Jade shook her head. "What party?"
"Come with me."
She took Jade to Suki's house so that Suki could explain the legend and all about the party.
"And your eyes are precisely jade green." Suki finished.
Jade looked amazed. "And we have to defeat the calico cats?" She asked again.
Suki nodded.
Misty didn't want to fight evil calico cats. That sounded like a lot of work, and besides, she didn't know how to fight. However Jade seemed excited for this very reason, she did want to fight evil calico cats.
"But, how do we defeat the calicos?" Misty asked "Do we have to... I dunno, kill them?" Her ears flicked flat for a moment.
"Nobody's sure." Suki replied, blatantly. "There's one more legend, some say it's a prophecy. It probably doesn't apply to us though. It might be our descendants."
"Well, what is it?" Jade asked enthusiastically.
"You see, throughout history, the Magic Cats have never had kittens with another Magic Cat. It has always been a non-magical cat. So, to get straight to the point; according to the legend, when a Magic Cat has kittens with another Magic Cat their kittens will be more powerful than any other cat in the world, even the calicos who sought power." Suki explained, "Oh did I mention earlier that the calico cats wanted to be the most powerful? That's why they turned evil."
"Ohhh." Jade squeaked. "I thought they were just evil because they thought it was fun or something."
After a short explanation of motivations from Suki, Misty and Jade headed out in their separate directions.
Heather, Misty's human, woke up, 9:00 the next morning as usual. In fact, nothing was out of the ordinary, Misty was napping at the end of her bed, her mom was in the kitchen making breakfast, her dad was nowhere to be seen. Nothing unusual, that is, until she checked their old-fashioned mailbox.

Magic Cats: Fall of the Stars
General FictionShadow has always had what her friends call 'dog trouble', but when she and her friends get magic powers and meet a young, naive cat, their new friend escalates the problem... (wip description) the novel I've been writing since the summer of 2017, I...