A door near the back of the building led to a large square field with trees, streams, and rock piles. This was where the camp would be.
They were shown where all the litter boxes and sleeping boxes were, then they were shown a small man-made cave full of food bowls that were labeled and colour-coded for each kitten.
"I'm still scared." stated Willow. "Especially because we weren't told not to bully anyone. We were only told not to bully the humans."
"Oh stop being a scaredy-human!" Oak told her. "It'll be fun!" then he mumbled "I hope"
Sunlight ran off to explore and didn't come back for a while.
Oak went to gather wood because Willow had begun complaining about being cold.
He built a small fire for her and lit it. The pile of twigs burst into flames at the touch of his forepaws, creating a mini bonfire.
Willow lay down facing the fire. The heat flooded over her, making her sleepy.
As she fell asleep, everyone else went off to do their own things.
A sleek black kitten ran over to the fire, he had dark orange eyes and a blood-red collar. "Well this isn't a human-made fire." He stated.
He shook Willow until she woke up. She jumped, and backed up a few paces. "Did you make this fire?" The kitten asked.
"No, Oak did." Willow said. She began inching closer to the fire.
The kitten laughed. "Who's Oak? Is he your imaginary friend?" he didn't sound like he was teasing. He actually sounded genuinely curious. It still made Willow angry, however. As it sounded like he assumed she didn't have any actual friends.
Willow puffed her fur up with anger. "No, he's my brother! And he's the biggest of the litter!"
The kitten laughed again. "Litter! Like a litterbox!" He rolled over with laughter, keeping his belly protected by his legs.
Willow had an idea. She placed her freezing cold paw on him.
The kitten screamed and ran away shouting. "It's a witch! She has cold ice magic! She nearly froze me to death!"
Willow curled up and went back to sleep.
Sunlight sat on a rock. She had found the tallest rock in the camp and would not give it up to any other kitten. She glared at all of the passing kittens as if daring them to try and get it.
A few of them had already attempted the challenge and given up with a few scratches.
Sunlight watched everything that went on below her. She saw the kitten shake Willow awake, and watched as he ran away screaming.
She looked closely as he passed her and saw a wet paw print on his side where Willow had touched him.
"You didn't get frozen at all, only wet!" She called as he passed.
This gave her an idea. She made a snow cloud over his head. He panicked more and fainted.
"No, the ice witch!" He muttered in his sleep.
A calico kitten with light green eyes walked up to Sunlight's rock. She wore a hot pink collar, and had soft, well-groomed fur.
Sunlight hissed. "Get away from my rock!"
"Uh, sorry." The kitten stammered.
The calico headed over to the kitten whom Sunlight had terrified. He was now covered in snow from Sunlight's powers.

Magic Cats: Fall of the Stars
General FictionShadow has always had what her friends call 'dog trouble', but when she and her friends get magic powers and meet a young, naive cat, their new friend escalates the problem... (wip description) the novel I've been writing since the summer of 2017, I...