The Fortress Fight

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 They decided to meet up at Misty's teenage human's treehouse to discuss their plans. Shadow flew up and opened the trapdoor, Misty and Jade got into the bucket that the human used to bring things up, and Suki levitated the bucket, and then herself, into the unlit treehouse.

Suki closed the hatch and sat the bucket on it when they were all inside.

"Now, when were we going to defeat the calicos?" Shadow asked.

"Tonight would be best, the humans will notice that you're not home, so it would be safer than waiting." Suki pointed out.

"So we just have to get Ebony, then figure out where the calicos live. For all we know, they could be on the other side of the world." Said Shadow.

Suki left the treehouse and brought the bucket with her. When she came back, she levitated the bucket with Ebony in it, then levitated herself once more.

"Well, it's not likely that the calicos live very far away from here." Said Jade, interrupting Misty, who was about to say something.

"I know-" Misty started.

But she was cut off again by Jade. "But what's the possibility that they've just been laying low in an average house?"

"It's in the-"

"They could be the ones who have been keeping track of how many of the Magic Cats have their collars!" Exclaimed Jade, interrupting Misty again.

"Don't you remember-"

"What's the return address on the envelopes?"

"Don't be silly, Jade, we can't read." Shadow rolled her eyes.

"THEY'RE IN THE HOUSE BEHIND THE HILL!" Misty yelled over the next thing Jade was about to say.

"Hey, you interrupted me!" Jade whined.

"You interrupted me five times!"

"Stop arguing." Ebony sighed, still in the bucket. "We know what we have to do, now, and we know where we have to go to do it. Misty, lead the way."

 Suki got them all out of the treehouse and Shadow flew down on her own.

Misty led the way. They climbed over a broken fence which led to an overgrown dirt path.

"The path doesn't lead directly to the house." Misty pointed out, "Just ignore it."

As they reached the hill, they had a decision to make. Go over it, or go around it.

"The safer option, obviously, is to go around it." Ebony voted.

"I think it would be faster to go over it." Jade said.

"There could be gopher holes we could fall into."

In the end, Ebony won, and they headed around it. There was nothing supporting Jade's view that going over would be shorter, and it turned out that Ebony's way was shorter than they had expected.

The house was shoddily built, the thick vines growing along the walls seemed to be the only thing holding the crumbling roof up. The walls weren't high enough for a human to stand under, and didn't look like they had ever been, as though the house was built for cats.

 The door had no lock or handle. "You're sure this is the right place?" Suki asked as pushed it open with her paws, it opened like a cat-flap.

Misty nodded and led the way inside. The light was tinted red and there was a ruby-red carpet in the middle of the floor. There was no sign of human life, the floor was coated in dust, which was speckled with cat paw prints. There were no human-used objects, only heavily worn scratching posts where there should've been tables and chairs, and the whole house smelled like rats.

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