The rain continued all night.
This inspired Jade to make some sort of cover to block the rain so that she and Delta could hide under it and dry off.
Delta preferred to be out in the rain, it was much better than the stuffy and dry fortress she had been in for her whole life.
Jade began building.
Delta, having been trained in stealth for five months, helped to gather building supplies.
"Who knew your evil training would come in handy!" Jade said on the first occasion Delta did this.
Eventually their new fort was finished.
On the day after the fort was finished, Delta noticed a stray umbrella. She went to fetch it, and brought it back without a tear.
"What's this?" She asked Jade when she got back.
"Something humans carry around to block the rain. I call it a portable roof."
This gave Delta an idea.
She leapt up onto the unsteady board that Jade had taped to the wall of Ebony's house, and immediately regretted it.
"Ew it's all squishy!" She exclaimed. The rain had wrecked the wood.
Delta jumped off.
"I bet the portable roof wouldn't do that." She told Jade.
So Jade reluctantly removed the splintering wood board and taped the umbrella to the dry section of the alley, so that it wouldn't blow away.
Apparently, the city's police had been alerted that a Magic Cat was living in that alley. Because one day they found that their section of the alley had been closed off so that no car would come through and possibly run them over.
The rain didn't stop.
One July morning, Delta woke up to find that there was water up to the top of her toes.
"You should be careful." Called Jade from the top of Ebony's roof. "Sleeping that deep could get you into trouble. You even slept through the thunderstorm earlier."
"There was a thunderstorm?" Delta asked, confusion evident in her voice.
"Yeah, I just said that. It was before the flood started."
"What's a flood?"
"Wow, you really didn't learn anything about outside in all your time in the fortress did you." Jade said with pity. "Well a flood is what you see at your paws. When it rains so hard that there's water all over the streets."
"And what's a thunderstorm?"
"There's a thing called lightning that's really hot and it comes with the rain clouds sometimes and when it comes there's a really loud sound called thunder that would wake almost any cat. I don't understand how you slept through it."
Delta glanced down at her paws. The water had risen above the white markings on them in the time Jade had been talking.
The water didn't get very high, it only made it to Jade's elbows.
Delta decided this was a good time to learn how to swim. She loved the water and wanted a way that she could stay in it if the flood got too deep.
Jade couldn't teach her how to swim, as she didn't know, herself.
So Delta had to find someone who could teach her how to swim.

Magic Cats: Fall of the Stars
General FictionShadow has always had what her friends call 'dog trouble', but when she and her friends get magic powers and meet a young, naive cat, their new friend escalates the problem... (wip description) the novel I've been writing since the summer of 2017, I...