While the kittens were at camp, the Magic Cats had other things to do. It had come to mind that Delta's powers probably hadn't disappeared, but instead simply switched sources. Now they would have to find out what her new power source was.
Misty thought Ebony's powers might be the key to this secret. He hadn't mentioned his powers at all. And Ebony began avoiding everyone except Shadow, while the other cats began following Shadow around.
All except Delta, who didn't care whether her powers came back or not. Everyone tried to get her to help, they knew her stealth would come in handy for spying on Ebony and Shadow, but Delta refused to do anything that would invade anyone's privacy.
Shadow found Ebony in the alley behind his backyard.
The cold wind blew hard enough to penetrate even Shadow's thick fur.
Ebony sighed. "There's no use hiding. They'll find out anyway"
Shadow blinked at him curiously and narrowed her eyes.
Ebony continued, "Suki is already catching on. She said that my eyes 'look weird'. And Misty seemed shocked that I couldn't 'see' everyone's new collars."
Shadow understood. She nodded, though she knew he couldn't see it. "But why are you hiding it?" she asked.
"I don't want others to treat me differently just because I'm blind." Ebony hissed.
"That's not why they've been trying to find you," said Shadow. "They just want to know what your powers are."
Ebony lifted his head a bit. His ears lowered, but he smiled. He looked embarrassed. "Oh, well, that's a little hard to explain, I could try though."
Just then, Delta ran by. She paused as she noticed Shadow and Ebony. "Have you seen Jade?" She asked urgently.
Ebony and Shadow both shook their heads. "I haven't 'seen' anyone lately." Joked Ebony.
Delta was visibly confused, but Shadow understood the joke.
Delta moved on, ducking under the 'road closed' sign to get out of the alley.
"Back to our conversation." Ebony re-started. "I can track anyone or anything that fits what I'm thinking of, and know how far it is, and how to get there," he explained. "For example: if I was looking for you, and you were at your house, I would know."
"Is that how you knew it would be safer to go around the hill than to go over it when we were going to the calicos' fortress?" Shadow asked,
Ebony nodded. "I don't even have to know what it is I'm looking for. I just have to know what I need. If I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, I just have to think of a description of what it does or how it will help me. That's the part that I consider complicated."
"So Misty was right, then. Your powers probably can help us." Shadow purred, "Everyone's been trying to find out the source of Delta's powers. Maybe you could track down someone or something that could help us find out."
Ebony nodded. "Let's go tell them!"
They found everyone standing right outside of Suki's house. Suki was showing Delta her flood escape and trying to describe how to swim.
She turned to look in their direction as they approached.
Delta's eyes widened. "I just remembered why I needed to speak with you, Jade!" she exclaimed.
She sounded more calm when she continued, but her tone slowly shifted to panic. "So, it turns out my mom is dead and didn't survive the fall over the edge of the cliff. But she's now haunting my dreams and telling me to run away and do... evil things." she shuddered. "I don't even want to describe them."

Magic Cats: Fall of the Stars
General FictionShadow has always had what her friends call 'dog trouble', but when she and her friends get magic powers and meet a young, naive cat, their new friend escalates the problem... (wip description) the novel I've been writing since the summer of 2017, I...