or rather, the history of this book.
when I designed the characters, I hadn't meant to begin writing a story about them. I was just trying to draw a cat who could fly, but, as I had never drawn any uniquely posed cats (not even a sitting position) I had many failed attempts. instead of scrapping the failed attempts, I turned them into other characters. once I had drawn the cat who could fly, I began to wonder what gave her the power to fly, so I decided because I had drawn her with unrealistically dark blue eyes, that I would that I would connect her weird eyes with the magic. I gave all the other characters magic as well, and one other character stood out to me: the red-eyed calico.
I had never intended for her to look evil, but red eyes just kinda make anyone look evil. since I had no shortage of understanding of misunderstood characters, I decided that everyone would think she was evil, until it would turn out she wasn't. still, I had not yet decided to write about them. I often came up with stories that I would just imagine as though they were movies and then drop after a while (though I had only so far dropped one out of at least three) so I intended it to be the same.
it wasn't until I tried to draw a side view of a cat sitting, and realised it reminded me of a movie poster (with an important character looking up at the title), that I decided to write. I called it simply Magic Cats.
once I started writing, I realised of course that Magic Cats was not a completely unique title and so it might get confused for some other book, so I gave it the sub-title Fall of the Stars. it was meant to be a reference to the fall of Nova Star (whose surname I ended up excluding from the book) which was meant to be the climax near the end of the book, but when I reached that scene in chapter four and couldn't figure out how to make the story longer, I decided just to add on another plot, and then another, and another ... I thought it'd be like a mostly episodic tv show just switching from one main plot to another and that is how you can read this, but once I've wrapped up the current plot and taken care of any loose ends I am actually going to be entirely rewriting this so I consider this version the first draft.
anyway enjoy the book that, according to Google Docs, I started the first chapter of in the summer of 2017 with no prior knowledge on writing whatsoever.

Magic Cats: Fall of the Stars
Ficción GeneralShadow has always had what her friends call 'dog trouble', but when she and her friends get magic powers and meet a young, naive cat, their new friend escalates the problem... (wip description) the novel I've been writing since the summer of 2017, I...