Hanging Tree

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The next day in a field Viola was playing her father's violin. Confused on why Lucy would say that Corio was different from when they met. As she played her violin she started to sing her aunt's lullaby. "♪ Are you. Are you. Coming to the tree? Where they strung up a man. They say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here. No stranger would it be. If we met up at midnight. In the hanging tree. ♪" Then she heard a twig snap behind her only to see Corio with short hair. "They said I might find you out here." Viola got up walking over to Corio saying, "Your hair, that uniform." But she was interrupted by Corio saying, "I thought you were dead." Viola scoffed, looking into Corio's eyes, getting closer to him as he did the same. "Yeah, I thought I was too. But your dean, Highbottom, he had them send me home." Viola said, making Corio look confused as he said, "Highbottom did?"

Viola nodded as she took his hand and said, "Put me on a train himself, gave me some money. He said they'd sent you to 8. For breaking their rules." Her voice broke with tears forming in her eyes. He brought her chin closer to him and said, "Saving your life. But I gave them my last cent so that I could come here to 12. Because I had to try to find you." Viola mouth opened a little as the two looked into each other's eyes. "Your dean, he... he told Lucy the strangest thing. He... He said he was glad that we survived you." Viola said, making Corio ask, "He told you what I did to that boy in the arena? I didn't have a choice." Viola started to have more tears in her eyes as she said, "That little girl, Dill..." He hugged her as Viola said, "Lucy thought it'd be one of the others... maybe Coral..."

Corio grabbed Viola's face and said, "Hey. You are not a killer, Viola Greenward. You're safe." Corio looked down at her as the two leaned in. Their lips touched as Corio grabbed her by the waist pulling her close as Viola put her hand on his neck. That's when Viola heard a howl from her cousin Maude. "Your Peacekeeper friends. I'll handle this. They'll be here about the fight last night." Viola said, walking away till Corio grabbed her hand. Making her look at him when he said, "Hey, they can't see us together." Viola smiled, getting closer to Corio making his breath hitched. "There's a lake out in the woods. Nobody knows much of it except us, Covey. Meet me here tomorrow, we'll go. We can be free out there." Corio smirk, giving Viola a nod as she said, "Common Maude." 


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