Prologue - The Accident

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Ice clings to the horizontally rotating semi tire, as the acrid stench of radiator fumes hiss from two cars, tossed like toys down a steep forested ravine. A heavy icy rain falls from the black heavens above as the lights of the stopped traffic cast a haunting illumination over the terrible wreck that has closed down Highway 109 on this wicked cold December night.

A semi was tipped over, cutting the two-lane highway in half as people unwisely exited their cars as they seemed to wander mindlessly through the broken glass, shards of metal and mud-flung in chunks, all over the icy black asphalt.

For all this chaos and commotion, there now was an eerie silence cast over anyone on-looking.

As if time was standing still. The only sound was the pounding heartbeats in the ears of the onlookers as everyone gaped at the carnage before their eyes.


Consciousness creeps back into the young mind of a beautiful girl named November who had vibrant brown hair and bright blue-grey eyes, as she glances over at her sleeping mom. She feels something warm trickling down her forehead as she reached up and touched the throbbing wound as she hissed in pain.

Looking at her fingers, they were all painted crimson, glistening in the headlights of a car behind them. The faint scent of iron stung her nose as she grabbed her mother's arm, crying out in the darkness of the snowy night...

"Mom! Mom! Are you okay?" as her mother began to stir at the sound of her daughter's voice.

"Sweetie?!" as she passes out once more from the collision.

The young girl unbuckles her safety belt and opens the passenger door. Suddenly, the scent of oil, iron, rubber, and gas fills her senses. A spark from the engine then sets the manifold aflame as she cries out!

"Mom! We're on fire!"

She looked at her sleeping mother, but she was unresponsive.

She quickly exits the car and runs around to her mother's driver's door and opens it and reaches over to unbuckle the latch to free her. With all of her strength, she dragged her mom out of the burning car and across the gas-soaked asphalt as she slipped on the ice and fell backwards, bumping her head.

The semi-truck driver sees the young girl trying to drag her mom as she comes running over to help.

"Miss, let me help you!" she hollers "We need to get away from the car! It might explode!"

The driver grabbed under the unconscious woman's arms and dragged the lifeless woman across the road to the curb. The whole engine lights up and the flames follow the gas to the back of the car as the cabin begins to burn brightly. The young girl looked down at her mother as the truck driver looked back at the girl.

"Best you both are off the road, it's really icy out here!"

"But my mother!" she cries.

"Unconscious, but breathing!" as the girl joins her mom and cuddles close to her warm body as she looks at the semi-truck with its slowly rotating black smoking wheels.

In the flames of her mom's car the flickering words of Sea-Sprites ~ Clothing & Apparel were seared forever inside her mind.

"Listen, you need to stay here with your mom!" the woman said, taking one last look at the frightened girl "I need to get the other people back before the truck explodes!"

"Mom?" November cries out "Wake up!"

Off in the distance, November then hears whispers...voices as she slowly rises and focuses all of her attention as the voice came calling out to her, begging...

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