Chapter 34 - Attacked

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Monday – October 26th 2020

With the morning sun shining bright, November and I awoke and slowly creped outside to greet the new day.

The sun was shimmering off to our right as I gently held November close to me as I had changed back into my male form to enjoy the intimate time with her, before the photoshoot. I held my own locket in my hand as it contained a copy of Caitlynn's form, and a copy of Skylynn's form that I was currently using.

"Let's find a hammock in the shade and listen to the ocean." I offered as November smiles.

"Afterwards, we can go get a massage and spa treatment!" she added as I smiled, nodding.

"That sounds absolutely magical!"

"This place is magical!" November adds, breathing deep the 'cleaner' air this morning.

"We changed into some swimwear as we sought out a quick breakfast bite. Walking hand in hand along the lagoon, we ran into Adamaris as she smiles, seeing us up so early. She looks refreshed and absolutely shining as she then glanced at me.

"Ah! So, this must be your male form!" she comments as I glance at November, uncertain.

'Does she know everything about us?' I wondered, sharing the same thought as November.

"Yes, I do sweetie." she replies with a smile as I glanced back, feeling violated.

"No disrespect Mrs. Adamaris, but please do not read our thoughts!" November kindly asked.

"My apologies." as she invites herself to walk with us. "So where are you two cuddle fish heading this morning?"

"Breakfast." November says as Adamaris smiles, turning us around.

"Then I am glad that I have found you...we are just about to serve breakfast to our guests. This would be a great time to meet a few of them too! Although...they may not recognize you as...this." as she refers to my male form.

"Maybe we should go." November comments as Adamaris stops us.

"I'm sorry! I did not mean to offend." she apologies "We are primarily a female centric society."

"It's okay. Please, lead the way." as I did not want to make a bad first impression.

We walked pass our place and towards the main hotel as we headed into the Atlantis Conference Center. The smells of 'something' cooking had me wondering what the hell they were cooking of breakfast!

Walking inside the large room, there was a few younger girls with their parents and some of the Wailing Ceremony staff preparing breakfast as others were talking about the week's events.

'I wonder if this was what the 'party' would have been like if we had made it that December night.' I wondered a lot about the 'what if's' as of lately.

Adamaris guides us to the breakfast line as November and I are were in for a shock of our lives! Breakfast wasn't the typical eggs, bacon, hash, and toast! No, instead it was all seafood!

"Hmm..." I comment, disappointed.

"It isn't too late to head to the cafe for a coffee and a bacon scone." November says as the older woman smiles, giggling.

"Might want to steer clear of that land food this week, darlings." she comments, joining us "Mainly after this morning's commencement."

"Why...what happens this morning?" as I nervously glance over at November, concerned.

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