Chapter 35 - The World In-Between Worlds

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Tuesday – October 27th 2020

The angelic woman with the glowing blonde hair and pale moonglow eyes stood over me as I refused to leave my sister behind as I shivered, growing colder and lighter.

Time seemed to slow down until I watched everyone around me stop moving. I could hardly interact with them now, being a spirit; especially within the land of the living. I looked at myself as I still felt whole, but I knew that I was not of this world any longer.

"You cannot save her!" the woman says once again as I looked up at her, scowling as I refused to give up this easily. "Leave her come!"

"I'm unable to do that!" I reply as I looked at myself with shock. I have magically returned to my normal male self as this realm...if that is the word to describe it...was certainly disorientating!

The woman walks over as she offers her hand, urging me to take it.


"Not without her!" I said as I stood up and pick her up off of the ground and held her lifeless body in my arms. The woman looks at my efforts and sighs as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Now will you come with me?!" she asks as I look at my body and find turning away was easier then watching my own demise. I nodded as I followed behind her as we walked towards the Caribbean Sea. I stopped on the sand as I have been warned repletely about not entering the ocean.

She walks into the aquamarine sea as she did not hear me and turns as she glances back.

"I dare not enter!" I told her as she turns and walks amongst the waves as she stands before me.

"We all must follow the path that is never easy!" she says. I laid Caitlynn down on the sand as I sat with her. She sighs as she decides to also sit with Caitlynn and I. "You must let her go and pass on, my child! This isn't your debt to carry, my child."

"I made a promise that I will not break!" I told her as she understands my hesitation.

"And how long do you believe you can survive, sitting here in the sand?"

"Longer then following you into the Void!" I replied.

"It is rather odd to hear your kind talk about the Void as if you know what it is!"

"Just who are you?" I asked her as she smiles, laying her staff aside.

"If we are going to play this I suggest a different setting that is much more comfortable?" she asks, ducking my question.

I shrugged my shoulder as she touches my hand and we seem to warp off the beach and closer to the resort as I look at the fountains of crystal water slowly falling into the pools. She was standing, holding her staff as she walks slowly, waiting for me to hurry up as I quickly stood up, pick up Caitlynn and carried her as I followed the woman of radiant light.

"Who are you?" I ask her again as she still did not answer.

"Your people's interpretation of what Atlantis was is rather...amusing!" as she looks up to the towers that seemed to touch the sky. "But not accurate!"

"So, you're an Atlantean?" I asked as she glances back, smiling. 'Guess that means possibly-yes.'

We went inside as time seemed to return back to normal as people were walking about, totally unaware of us as I looked at the commotion within the resort. It was rather unnerving to go unnoticed...but as I watched the mindless ramble of the commotion of busy feet, they seem to be moving faster then normal. I person walks right through me as I shivered, freaking out at the sensation and idea that I am a ghost!

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