Chapter 41 - Paradox End

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Tuesday – December 5th 2006

Copalis, Washington

I felt like I was falling, being sucked down into a white vortex as the color of blue then purple blend in the vortex until the colors of red, orange, yellow and green all appear with the blacks, greys, and earth tone browns as I close my 'figurative eyes'.

The sight was too much to take in as I feel myself softly landing inside something hard.

I opening my fleshy eyes, looking around to see that I was standing inside a room with a large vanity mirror, makeup, clothes and pictures of glamour and models posing. I felt the soft fabric of a black sports jacket filled with warm down feathers.

As I stare at my chest, something was seriously amiss!

'Where are my breasts!' I gasp as something was dreadfully wrong with me...I did not look like myself any longer!

'Where is mom and dad?' my mind cries for Aradia and River.

'Where is my sister? Why can't I feel them any longer?!' This reality was a nightmare as I called out for the others!

'November!' I looked around 'Where is she at? Did she survive the Paradox!?'

Worst of body now looked to be of a young 13-year-old male...yet, my soul and mind was still that of a 13-year-old female. I was still Carolynn inside...and seeing myself like this only made my heart race.

'Where the hell am I!?'

There was a light rapt on the wooden door as it opened and in walks November, smiling; with her mother, Jacinda Brookes. I was so happy to see her alive! But as I looked at her, I noticed that she too was just like me...young!

"November!" I gasped, my voice choked with raw emotions. Whatever happened to seemed to have made us younger!

'Did the Paradox reset?' I wondered as I looked at her odd behavior 'Why does it seem that she has no memory of what we just had went through!?'

"Hi Sky!" she replies as I was shocked to hear her voice so young and immature. Even my own voice sounded 'weird'.

To add to my confusion, I did not understand why she called me Sky.

Who is Sky?

Is that my name?

Why don't I remember anything about myself!?

I know this place; I know everyone's faces...but I do not remember who I am!

"Thank God you were able to make it...crazy weather we are having, huh?" November asks as I did not know what the weather was like out there!

"Yeah...I suppose!"

"Rain, snow, ice..." she giggles "...its like the freak storm of 97!"

"Uhm, hey Ember..." I interrupt as I needed to know 'where in time' I was "...silly question! But do you happen to know what today is?"

"Is it a little early to start having memory lapses! Hmm?" she asks, giggling and poking me with her thread needle. I jumped as I felt the prick of the needle pierce my skin as she blushed, terribly regretful! "So sorry!"

"It's okay." I said, rubbing out the pain.

'Only if you knew the stuff we went through!' I felt blood seeping as I looked at the red stain on my fingertips 'Well, this tells me this isn't a dream!'

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