Chapter 31 - Destructive Ways

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Thursday – September 24th 2020

Eileen sits in the Cadabra CEO's office as she was going over papers on the merger and the control she was gaining over the world. Cadabra was a massive company! Its purpose will forever guarantee Sea Sprites future. She looks at a picture of her sister, Citra as she frowns.

"Where are you hiding, sister!?" as she takes the picture and thinks of the day her sister had stolen a prototype of the 'cure' and gave it to that accursed Na Breathnoiri.

Flashback to: August 24th 2020

Eileen pushed the construct of Andre into the boardroom to deliver the news to the men of the board. To say the lease, his announcement did not go over quietly. Men of power always wish to maintain that power!

"Are you out of you mind!" yells an old, bald guy as he barks at Andre.

"He's finally lost it!" says a younger CEO of a Chinese tech firm.

"We will not stand for this outrage! No woman will ever control this--" says a middle age white man with the blackest eyes that made it look like he had sold his soul for his position.

'Did he just say what I think he said!' Eileen frowns as she walks into the meeting room, assuming control of Cadabra and all of its contracts. She then takes out the prototype and activates the 'play-back' of the spell as its distorted song fills the air with its life altering music.

'What is that!?' Ariston could feel the intense magic absorbing into everyone inside the room.

"Sister! No! It hasn't been tested!" as Citra grabbed the device and turned it off...but it was already far too late to stop the spell from sending the COVID virus into phase two. She looked at the device in her had, glancing over at Ariston as they needed to leave quickly!

Ariston quickly got up, his spell of illusion was broken at Eileen looked at the Na Breathnoiri all dressed in black -- he was a shadow of a 'Hat Man' to the eyes of the human men who shuttered in horror at the looming presence of the Shadow Person.

Ariston ran past Eileen, who was still stunned to see a Na Breathnoiri infiltrating her company. He ran towards Citra as the young fairy then opened a portal and had Ariston escape through it as she too left her sister behind.



Eileen set the picture aside as she could not believe her sister would betray her just like that! And who was that man she was with? Why was she hiding him? And what type of magic does he possess to make her so jittery!?

'For a Na Breathnoiri, he had an 'otherworldly' feeling to him...' a feeling that still made her shiver in horror ' someone who does not belong to this dimension.'

She rises from her chair and teleports to the R&D department as she walks over an enchanted Andrena. The once proud owner of Cadabra was reduced into nothing but a mindless servant. Every memory of Andre was rewritten with her in its place. Across the globe...Andre had ceased to ever exist. Her magic certainly was life altering!

"Well?" Eileen demands, walking over to Andrena as she was casting a low-level spell through her enchantment "Is the prototype complete?"

"It's hard to say." Andrena comments, wearing a white and hot pink suit with thick gloves protecting her enchanted hands. "The soul aspect of the enchanted jewelry has been the most challenging to replicate without the example you have described. Testing on constructs will only take our research so far."

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