Chapter 30 - Broken Hearts

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Friday – September 18th 2020

The sun burned bright as the sea-swept breeze would occasionally bumped into the window as the sound would cause Aradia to look up and stare outside. Since her daughter's close encounter with Eileen, she has been on high alert.

School was back in session for the year...but it was nothing like it use to be! School was still in shock from the COVID-19 as the desks had to be spaced and the students required to wear a face covering to keep the invisible pathogen at bay.

Even with all the craziness and rules, this did nothing to slow down the disease. COVID was still out there...brewing with the approaching fall...combining with the flu.

'How I greatly miss the ocean!' Aradia thought as the ocean's own spell was getting stronger. It was almost to the point were even she could not ignore it any longer. It took all of her willpower to repel the spell so she could teach her students.

'The paradox is almost upon us. Oh how I miss the easier times...' She lays down her pen as she looks at the empty class room as she begins to daydream about the past:


Thursday, September 18th 2003

Aradia walked around the classroom, looking at the students progress as she took the time to walk over to a young, ten-year-old girl. She looks at the math questions as she whispers.

"Solve right to left, Caitlynn!" she says as Caitlynn looks up at her mom, smiling. Her silver eyes glittery.

Caitlynn was a unique student at North Shore...unlike the other students that moved around from teacher to teacher, it was Aradia who followed her daughter from grade to grade. She demanded a well balance array of public human lessons and private fae lessons with no protest from her daughter.

Not many kids had Aradia as a repeat teacher, well except for one other student: Sky.

She reflected on him, pondering...

'How is it that I did not notice this pattern before!?' she wonders.

Looking back from Kindergarten to the 6th grade...he was in every class that Caitlynn was in. But something was odd! Her own memories were changing...they were being modified by the paradox's influence.

'This memory is a paradox!'

Aradia's mind then travels back to the daydream as she walks over to Sky and looks at his math work. It was just like Caitlynn's. Almost an exact match!

"Solve right to left, Sky!" she tells him as he looked up, smiling with a nod, understanding.

She sped up the daydream as all the students rushed to catch the bus as both Caitlynn and Sky both remained behind as they were helping cleaning up the classroom as Caitlynn asks her mother.

"Are you truly transferring to 7th grade?!" Aradia nods, smirking! "So cool!"

"Sky, sweetie, can you please collect the trash?" as she walks over, kissing his forehead. For some strange reason, in this paradox -- Sky was her own son.

'No!' Aradia breaks out of the daydream. 'This isn't real!' she pushes against the paradox with revealing spells to dissolve this lie.

The dream resets as the pain in her head was severe. Aradia walked around the classroom, looking at the students' progress as she took the time to walk over to a young, ten-year-old girl. She looks at the math as she whispers.

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