Chapter 23 - Healing Hearts

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Saturday – July 4th 2020

My change of heart had stunned everyone in the room. Only moments ago, I was determined to surrender my fame and money to escape 'being' Caitlynn. And now, I was asking how to heal her broken soul within me.

'As much as it terrifies me to lose my mind to Caitlynn's desires and personality, my eternal love for her is still strong after all of these years. And now remembering the sacrifice that she had made for me, I feel that I am solely responsible to live her life that she gifted to me.'

"It's impossible to bring anyone back to life without 100% of their soul fully intact." Aradia told me "And because of that, she cannot rejoin her people. Trying to extract a single fragment of the soul, less than a full soul, would create an abomination! And that's just the soul! Recreating the body also requires lots of forbidden magic that comes at the cost of other living people. I have neither the skills nor the immorality to do that. So, the short answer is that it is impossible to bring her back from nothing. But I can easily have her existing soul merge with another soul that is compatible with her...but with a human's soul, her soul will dominate me."

"So, if her soul remains awakened inside of me, that must be why I act like her when I turn into her!" Aradia nods.

"Correct. The locket...her locket...was enchanted by me to transform your body into hers when activated. But over time, the spell will begin to weaken as you are unwilling to merge your soul with hers. Then one day, the locket will be nothing but a locket."

"If Caitlynn passed away when she and Skylynn were thirteen, then why does she look like an adult?" November wonders.

"The transformation is based off of the soul fragments in the host's body. Since the fragments aged with Skylynn, she mentally and physically grew with Skylynn over the last eleven years."

'Lived through me...with me!' as Caitlynn did what she had promised.

"That's why you were so shocked to see me the first time I had turned into Caitlynn. You had never seen her as an adult before!" I remarked.

"Exactly!" she smiled, gently nodding her head "My precious little girl, now all grown up into a beautiful woman!"

"Why not try something sooner?" wonders Rose, still in her beastkin form "Why reach out to Skylynn now?"

"To be honest, I did not find out that parts of your soul had survived inside Skylynn until two years ago, when you were modeling at Ocean Shores. I was so shocked when I sensed her inside of you. I spent two years debating with myself about reaching out to you, Skylynn. Then I learned that November had some of the memories within her...and now Blake too."

"I kept arguing with myself how I should bring it up, what I could do, or even if I should do anything at all." she continued "When I found out you were struggling with your career—the very same career that Caitlynn had also dreamt of having—I thought that I could solve both of our problems. You would be wildly successful, and I would have my daughter back. Unlike all the fake constructs I had made of Caitlynn, you acted exactly like her when her personality took over. I came up with the lie about being your family's guardian fae, and took the memories from you because I feared that you'd never agree to turning into the girl who had died in your arms."

"Looking at all the damage I have caused for you, Skylynn," Aradia added as she touched my face, wiping away my tears "I now see that I should have never done what I have done. I am so sorry, my love! I thought my idea would be mutually beneficial to us, but I was wrong!" She began crying as this time I believe her emotions to be true.

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