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"we're here!!" Zhanghao exclaimed excitedly as he open the house that he and hanbin newly bought.

They used to live in the apartment since it was just the two of them but now there are more people in their family so they had to buy a new house.

"Woah!! Bigg!!" Gunwook shout,pointing at everything he find pretty.

"Big!!" Yujin exclaimed,following his now older brother word,eyes sparkling at the aesthetic of the place.

The 3 year old is still in the process of learning.

The two oldest kid didn't say anything but only amazed at their new home,holding each other hands as they explore the house.

"Okay kids, let's go to your room first and get yourself ready.After lunch,we will do an introduction okay?" Zhanghao said and they all salute at him,a series of "yes sir!" Can be heard loud and clear making the two adults laugh.

"Here is gyuvin and ricky's room!" Hanbin open the door excitedly,a proud smile on his face as the two oldest kid barge inside.

"Woah!! I love it!!"

"RICK! CAT!!" Gyuvin point at the cat pillow on ricky's bed.While on his bed is a bambi pillow

Ricky and Gyuvin's room (found in pinterest) :

- Imagine the bed that is close to the window,the pillow is a bambi one -->
- Ricky's bed is beside the mirror while gyuvin's are beside the window

- Imagine the bed that is close to the window,the pillow is a bambi one -->- Ricky's bed is beside the mirror while gyuvin's are beside the window

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"glad you two like it" Hanbin grinned.He had personally design this bedroom with hao since at first they thought of adopting one kid but then wanted two kids.

It was a month project but the outcome is satisfying and seeing the kids jumping of joy about their new room just warm his heart and is glad that he decided to do this himself without anyone's help.

Zhanghao giggles,leaning his head on hanbin's shoulder as they watch the two kids jumping around and exploring the room.

Gunwook is in the room too,playing with the lamp switch,Ricky checking himself out in front of the mirror while gyuvin jump on ricky's bed to try to reach the balloon sticker on the wall,thank god that Ricky is fine with it or maybe because he is too busy checking himself out to not realise what gyuvin is doing to his bed.

Yujin only watch his now older brothers,he want to join but he figure he would get push if he join them.

"Okay now gunwook-ah,you will sleep with us as well as yujin.Once yujin turns 4 then you two can have your own room too" Hanbin said and the two kid nod.

"Okay, listen to your Dad first while I'll go and make lunch" Hao said as he give hanbin, yujin who whine a bit but nonetheless listen to his papa when he pat his head.

Zhanghao ruffles the three kids hair then leaving a small kiss on hanbin's cheek before he leaves to the kitchen.Hanbin smile while the three kids have a small blush on their cheeks,never had this kind of treatment before so of course they weren't use to it and also,who wouldn't blush when the most pretty person treat you good even if they only ruffles the hair!

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