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There is still four more days before the kids will start to attend their schools.

Both hao and hanbin had done their best to teach the kids stuff they need to know when entering their respective schools.

They teach them how to defend themselves,what to do if there are bullies,what to do if someone they don't know comes etc.Hao even test them everyday about comebacks that they can think of.

They didn't have to worry much because all of their kids are smart and adapt to it quick.Even Yujin pass his test! Though he only said "no" most of the time.Atleast the boy learn how to say no to others? Of course hao already told him that it only use if someone do things that makes him uncomfortable and etc.

So Today,with the sun that had just start to rise,the two adult decided to bring their kids to hanbin's cafe so they'll know where hanbin works.Since hanbin need to check up on his cafe too,might as well give the kids a tour around his most proudest creation!

Hanbin's cafe have a land of its own,perks of having an older brother who doted on him.The cafe is near Zhanghao's school.

Hanbin had work very hard to build a beautiful garden that surrounds the cafe,making it look very photo material and beautiful to see.

For the inside,he design it to be home-like vibe, comfortable and pleasing for the eyes.The concept of his cafe is one of the reason his cafe went viral until now.

"Wow dad,this is amazing!!" Ricky's eyes sparkles at the sight of beautiful flowers.The cafe look like a house in the middle of a field full of flowers!

"Welcome to my cafe! Binini's cafe" hanbin smile proudly, ruffling Ricky's hair as a thank you for the compliment.

"Your dad work very hard to make it work,and the result is satisfying" Hao smile at hanbin who look at him shockingly,faking a sob.

Come on,it rare for hao to compliment him!

"wanna go in,come on come on!!" Gunwook pout,jumping up and down while wiggling hao's hand that is holding his .

The two adults laughed as they walk towards the cafe.The cafe had just open and since it very early in the morning and a school day so there won't be that many customers in the morning.


"Sorry we haven't--" the boy stop what he want to say when he sees his best friend coming in with a big smile on his face.

"Ah!! GUYS IT HANBIN HYUNG!!!" The boy shout excitedly, getting out from behind the counter and run towards hanbin.

But before he can even jump to hanbin,a man that looks like a duck immediately grab his neck collar and pull him backwards so he won't launch onto hanbin who snickers.

"Taerae-ya!!" The boy winced when his butt hit the floor.

"Can't you see there are kids Matthew?" Taerae sigh,how on earth did matthew not see the kids Infront of him?

"Kids? HUH KIDS??" Matthew jump up as he finally look at the kids that hanbin brought.

The kids were hiding behind hanbin and hao, hands clutching on their parents pants while looking at him and taerae warily.

"Hi guys,can you call the others so we can introduce them? I'll explain later,i want to tour them around the cafe" hanbin said while scratching his neck that is not itchy.Why did it gets a bit awkward?

"O-oh sure,we will after you guys are finish touring" matthew said,still a bit confused but nonetheless obeyed his boss.

"We will go now,have fun kids!" Taerae smile,waving at the kids but got ignore instead.However,taerae doesn't mind it since he knows hanbin and hao probably teach them the no strangers rules.

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