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"kids,wash yourself up and then you can play" Zhanghao said as he put down the stuff on the ground next to the sofa and immediately lay down on the sofa.

How had he not realize they had bought too much stuff! Probably because hanbin had called their family's bodyguards to come and help them take the stuff to their house everytime they finish one store and another and this had made hao didn't realize they had bought too much.

Loud giggles and laughter burst into the living room with gyuvin,gunwook and yujin running around the room,suddenly playing chase with yujin becoming the seeker.

Yujin,the youngest who have the shortest little leg compare to everyone had to be a seeker is cruel but his older brothers are nice enough to run slowly so the youngest can catch up to them.

Ricky came in and lay down beside hao on his arm, laying spread like a starfish like hao.Zhanghao didn't complain or said anything and just let the boy be.

Hanbin came in a moment later and when he arrived, gyuvin immediately hug his leg and screaming "daddy you're it!!" and they proceed with hanbin chase after the three kids,joining them running around.

The screams of terror when hanbin suddenly put on a horrifying face after he spot the kids that were hiding was hilarious.

It was loud,and that the first time the house is so loud and chaotic but it not the annoying loud but a warm loud.

When hao got out from his thoughts,he realize ricky had climb on top of him and rest his head on his chest,his small hand gripping onto his shirt.

Zhanghao smile and reposition themselves so they can be more comfortable.Aih,the shower can be done later,now he just want to spoil his eldest son.



When Zhanghao woke up from his short nap,the whole house is silent.

He slowly sit up, realising the kid is still sleeping on his chest.Hao then carry Ricky in his arm as he walk around the house.Ricky squirm a bit but he went back to sleep again,cheek squish onto hao's shoulder.

That when he heard loud giggling coming from his and Hanbin's room.

He open the door and that when he saw gyuvin and gunwook drawing on one of hanbin's white T-shirt,the both of them are freshly clean already and are just giggling while drawing.The two of them wearing matching pajamas.Oh hao is about to faint at this sight,this is just! Too! adorable!

"Kids,where is your dad?" Hao asked and they instantly look at him,the giggling turned into a wide smile when they spot their papa.

"Papa!!" The two of them stand and run to hao as they hug his long leg.

"Hey babies! Please quiet down,your icky hyung is still sleeping" Zhanghao make a shush motion and the two kids copy him as they nod.

"Dad is bathing ppodoli!" Gyuvin whisper while gunwook point at the bathroom.

"Okay,thank you boys.Papa want to put icky hyung in his bed,can you two accompany him there? Papa is sure he doesn't want to be alone" hao said and the two kids nodded.

Hao then turn and walk towards the twin's bedroom right beside of his and Hanbin's bedroom.Gyuvin helping him open the door and let them go inside while hao said to him a "thank you" as he place ricky down on his own bed,tucking him in gently.

"Okay,baby wookie and Gyuvin" Zhanghao called out as he squat infront of them.The two adorable kids look at him curiously,their hands holding their own toy,a car and a motorbike.

"Can you help papa protect princess Ricky while papa go and look for your dad?" The two kids eyes brighten so brightly.

"Gonukkeu! We will be prince!" Gyuvin excitedly said to gunwook who is also excited.

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