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"babies~ do you guys want to play in the pool?" Hao asked the kids in front of him.
It already almost 4,so it a good time to go swimming since the sky is not too hot already.

"uncle hao! jiwon want!!" jiwon shout,hands in the air,waving excitedly.

"of course jiwon-ah! Go and change your swimsuit, princess" Hao squeeze the plump cheek of the girl before jiwon stand up and run to matthew to get her outfit change.

"ma~" yujin whined,making grabby hands to hao who gladly carry him and place him on his lap.Hao is still sitting on hanbin's lap by the way and now with yujin between them.

"sorry aegi" Hao giggles ,hugging the boy tightly.Of course the boy is jealous that his papa call his enemy (jiwon) princess,isn't he his princess?

"papa! do we have swimsuit too?" ricky asked hao after he release yujin from the hug.

"yea! do you all want to swim?" hao turned to look at his three kids that are now standing infront of them.

"yes please!/yess!! (yujin)" The four kids said together making the two adult smile.

"alright! let's gooo" hao carry yujin and slide out of hanbin's lap and stood up as he lead the way to his and hanbin's bedroom with the kids and hanbin following behind him.Mama Zhang and Mama Sung laughed at the sight,they look like ducklings following their mother duck because of the kids and hanbin holding hands and following Zhanghao who keep singing a nursery song call 'five little ducks' and of course the boys sing along.Baba Zhang even record the video as he silently follow behind them only until the lift,he didn't go with them.

"no,gyuvin-ah.That Ricky's-- bin-ah! that the wrong swimsuit for gunwook!" Hao frustratedly yell.How did it became like this? He didn't even know himself.

10 minutes ago,they had arrive in hao and hanbin's room.Hao had lay out all the kids clothes on the bed and had told hanbin to help them wear it while he went to the toilet.When he was done with his business and changing,he went out and saw gyuvin,gunwook and yujin running around while giggling loudly with hanbin (already have his swimwear on) chasing after them and ricky in gyuvin's swimsuit,the boy sitting peacefully on the bed so that he won't get push by his brothers since they run while not looking at their surrounding.

Of course hao is mad and when they notice he had came out from the bathroom,they immediately stop.

Hao grumbles how everything had to be done only with him while making his way to the boys who had calmly sitting quietly in a lined while hao and hanbin help them wear their swimsuit.

"papa,will you swim?" Gunwook asked hao,his eyes staring at hao with hope.

"of course I am,who will scold you if you do anything stupid in there" Hao grinned,zipping gunwook's swimsuit up.

"Dad can!" Gyuvin said.

"your dad would just laugh and only help when you actually need help so he is useless" Hao said as gyuvin nod.Right,he almost forgot his dad is that kind of person.

"hey,no I'm not!" Hanbin protest but no one heard him or more to ignore him.

"right! everyone is ready so let's go,poor jiwon had to wait for 30 minutes for us" hao sighed and like earlier,they all follow the mother duck.


"AHH WATERRR!!" Gyuvin shout excitedly and he was about to jump into the water when hao stop him.

"hey! no! the pool is too deep for your height,go and wear your armband with your dad !" Hao instruct and the kids sadly pouted as they walk to hanbin who had been blowing the arm band.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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