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"bābā!! Let's gooo" gyuvin whined,jumping up and down while holding onto yujin's hand,too excited to go to school.It their first day today!!

"Jeez,hold up!" Hanbin sighed,grabbing the keys and went to start the car.

Hanbin will be the one to drive,sending his family to school since his job does not need to rush so he will be their designated driver.

After a few minutes,they arrived to their first destination,gyuvin and Ricky's primary school!

"Remember what we teach,ricky-ah take care of gyuvin" hao turn to look at his twins who nod rapidly.

"Byebye kiss?" Gyuvin asked and of course both hao and hanbin kiss his and Ricky's forehead before the twin left the car.

"Have fun you two! Don't bother your teachers too much!" Hao shout as the two wave at him while entering the school.

"Next is you two" hao turn to look at gunwook and yujin with gunwook eyes sparkling,jumping up and down,too excited to meet new friends while yujin doze off.

"Let's go!!" Hanbin grinned as he speed up the car making gunwook let's out a big laugh.

"Slow down!!" Hao squeak,holding onto his seat belt and yujin appear to be unbothered at all.




"Good morning kids,today we will have new friends coming in! Are you guys excited?" The teacher smile widely,hands clapping on each other as the kids said "yes" together.

"Come on in kids!" The teacher gently said and both ricky and gyuvin comes in.Gyuvin hiding slightly behind ricky, holding on to Ricky's arms and even though ricky is also just as nerRvous as he is,he still stood strong,wanting to appear cool and strong Infront of others.

"Introduce yourself please" the teacher,Mrs,Hanni smile, squadding Infront of the other kids who are watching the two with big shiny eyes because the twins are very tall and very attractive! They give older brothers vibe!

"Sung Ricky,7 years old" Ricky said before he nudged guuvin by the arm.

"Ah-,My name is Sung Gyuvin,7 years old.Let's get along well!" Gyuvin smile,finding his confidence mid sentence.

"Thank you gyuvin,ricky for the introduction! You can sit behind there,the two empty seats" the two 7 years old nodded as they went to their seat after bowing slightly to the teacher who melted by their polite manners.(It hanbin's teaching)

"Okay kids,if you have any questions about them,Please ask after class alright? So open your textbook page 67 and we will begin" Mrs Hanni said,she turns to write something on the board.She teach english by the way.

"Psst,rick" gyuvin whisper,nudging ricky by the arm.

"What!" The blonde whisper back, visibly frowning.

"Why are they glancing at us like that?" Gyuvin whisper,catching someone who glance at him.

"Probably because we are new? Kyubing stop looking and listen to the lesson!" Ricky whisper-yell at gyuvin who pouts and actually listened.

They already received their textbooks and everything they needed before the first day of school.Because they enter the school in mid year so the lessons already started long ago.

Another information is,Gyuvin is the tallest and ricky is the second tallest in their year,that why everyone were surprised.


"Gunwook! 4 years old! Yujin! 3 years old!" Gunwook introduce,holding onto yujin's hand who nodded.

"Hello kids! I am teacher Jaemin,you can call me Mr.Nana" The teacher,or his full name Jaemin said,he was about to pat their head but the other two avoided him.

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