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After they arrive home and clean themselves up,gyuvin and Ricky had went to their room to do their school work while gunwook is playing with hanbin in hao and bin's room,leaving hao with yujin chilling on the sofa,watching cartoon shows that yujin want to watch.

"Yujin-ah" hao called out to the little boy who immediately look at him with questioning eyes.

"Why won't you talk to anyone except us? Can you tell papa?" Hao gently said,pulling the little boy onto his lap.

"Dun wanna" yujin simply reply before focusing on his show again.

Hao gently stroke the boy's hair who smile happily at the attention he is receiving from his papa.

It is bad for the kid to not want to open up to anyone honestly but what can hao do,he had already tries to make the boy talk to someone other than their family but he still won't so for now hao won't do anything about it,when he grows up,he will know what to do anyways,hao is not worried at all.

"Papa!! Dad is being naughty again!!" Gyuvin shout loudly from his room making hao rolled his eyes.

Seriously,hanbin still won't stop bugging his kids at all since earlier.The number of time gyuvin had shout for him is uncountable.It funny that he never thought hanbin would be very childish with his kids but he still love him of course.

"Māmā,want to go to icky hyung" hao turned to look at the kid on his lap as he nodded.

"Let's go then" hao smile,carrying yujin after he close the television,walking upstairs to his older sons room and he could hear loud noises in the room.

"Sung hanbin" Zhanghao said sternly and instantly hanbin froze.

Hao can't believe what he had just see.Gyuvin and hanbin fighting over a marker while gunwook already have face paint all over his face,even gyuvin have some.Ricky already lay his head on his desk,hands covering his ears because of their loudness.

"Māmā~" ricky whined when he realise the noises had stopped and saw his papa standing Infront of their room.Silently complain to his papa.

"You three! Look what had you done!" Zhanghao frowned,he walk towards the three as he put down yujin and scold the three boys who had kneel down Infront of him with head low.

"Go kneel infront of the wall with your hands up until I'm satisfied" hao sternly said and straight away the three boys do what he told, don't want to get their papa more angrier.

"It all your fault dad" gyuvin whisper to hanbin,his hand nudging onto hanbin's arm who scoffed.

"Who was the one using the marker pen first?" Hanbin spat back and the two suddenly playing nudging each other arm until someone's arm fall.

"Still have the will to talk!?" Hao shout from inside the room and instantly the two stop while gunwook laughed out loud.

"Sung Gunwook!"

"Yes papa!!" Gunwook shout back and hao reply with a "good".

"māmā's boy" gyuvin said while gunwook glare at him.

"You too!"

"I'm too guys" hanbin cuts in to his kids argument and the two kid look at him in disbelief.

"Though I'm his husband so that means,wifey's boy" hanbin smile proudly and the other two only show a disgusted face.

"Icky hyung,whatchu doing?" Yujin asked ricky who pats his head.

"School work but I already finished it and now I'm drawing!" Ricky said euthiasthically,showing yujin his drawing paper.

"I wanna draw too!" Yujin's eyes sparkles brightly,making grabby finger to ricky who giggles,why is his little brother so adorable!

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