Vengeance's return

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In a cramped room with peeling wallpaper and a single window overlooking the bustling street below, a young man slouched on a worn-out couch, his eyes fixed on the flickering screen of the television. The room was cluttered with scattered magazines and empty snack wrappers, giving it a lived-in but neglected feel.

As boredom crept in, he reached for the remote and began flipping through the channels, hoping to find something to break the monotony of his evening. One after another, he passed sitcoms, game shows, and infomercials, his interest waning with each passing moment.Finally, he landed on a news channel, the anchor's voice echoing through the small room.

The anchor of the show continued

"The fire broke out in the country's biggest mall," the reporter's voice crackled from the television, filling the small room with urgency. "It caused extensive damage and tragically resulted in loss of life."

"The fire's origin was traced back to an electrical malfunction in the mall's basement," the reporter explained, his tone grave. "Despite efforts to contain it, the flames quickly spread out of control, wreaking havoc throughout the complex."

"The company who owned it, the Michelle's," he continued, "suffered significant losses as a result."

As the reporter spoke, it became clear that the owners of the mall, the Michelle family, faced a devastating blow. Their business, once thriving, now lay in ruins, leaving them to confront not only the physical destruction but also the emotional toll of the disaster.

"The Michelle family, already grappling with the devastating blow to their business," the reporter's voice paused for a moment, "now faces another tragedy. Their younger son, Alex Michelle, has been reported missing since the fire broke out."

"Authorities are conducting a search operation," he continued, his tone tinged with concern, "but as of now, there have been no leads on his whereabouts."

The man watching the TV leaned back into the worn sofa, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he glanced towards the empty space beside him.

"Are they talking about you?"

he asked, his voice dripping with malice, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who dared to listen.

His gaze shifted to the still figure lying beside him, the flickering light from the television casting sinister shadows across the room.

The next day

The anchor of the show...

The reporter's voice cut through the morning silence, delivering shocking news that sent a chill down the man's spine.

"There's been a startling discovery near the Michelle's residence," the reporter announced grimly.

"The body found has been identified as Alex Michelle."

The man's breath caught in his throat as he processed the horrifying revelation. "Murdered," the reporter continued, his tone heavy with gravitas. "Evidence suggests foul play, as a chilling message was found written on the back of the body: 'The vengeance has returned.'"

The man sitting on the sofa, walked near the television with a grin on face .

"Yes, me, the vengeance has returned," the man hissed, his voice oozing with malevolence and satisfaction. Sinister, calculating, merciless, vindictive, relentless.

"Its just a start"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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