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Contains: strong language, some dirty thoughts

“Sensei and [Name]-sama are busy people. Summarize it in 20 words or less”
“...I–I'm sorry...” Armored Gorilla apologized. “So, in other words, my boss has become very curious about your body”
“I'm not interested in dudes” Saitama stated.
“I think you misunderstood, Sensei. He plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations, for his research on evolution” Genos explained.
[Name] looked it the bald hero and then at the destroyed surroundings. “If we don't stop him now, he will probably try again and then more people can get hurt” she said “A crazy scientist? How corny” her whisper sounded very playful and unserious.
“Well then, let's go and do it”
“Wait, wha-? Now?” Genos asked.
“Yeah, there's a sale on tomorrow. Can't do it then” said Saitama holding an advertising flyer.
[Name] hummed at his silly obsession with sales. 'Looks like not all things have changed since then'


“I didn't think that we'd run all the way on foot. I thought you can fly or something” Genos said while running in front of Saitama leading their way. The girl was hoping gracefully missing the trees and stones. Even if she looked like a human, her speed was not inferior to the men's.
“People can't fly, you know?” Saitama told. He looked at the younger man who was awfully close to [Name] and plus he absolutely hated that the strange robotic kid, almost the same age as his precious little sister, had a chance to take her away from him.
“It's amazing how you always manage to make it on time”
“Nah, I usually arrive too late at the scene” the bold hero admitted.
“We're here!!!” the girl's voice was heard at the top of the hill. How did she get there so fast? “So, THIS is «The House of Evolution»? Ne, not very impressive, I must say!”
Suddenly a large flesh of light covered the whole building and after that it was gone. The burned pieces were flying everywhere. The only one of the 'team' who wasn't shocked was Genos.
“What's so sudden?” Saitama sweatdropped at the younger's action.
“It's the most efficient way to destroy everyone who has been there with only one shot”
“Dude, do you even know what mercy is?” the man asked looking at the wasteland in the forest. “Those guys maybe have prepared something cool to fight us. Gosh, you didn't give them a chance”
“It doesn't matter now. Looks like it was just a trap. I don't think that scientist is so reckless to stay in such fragile construction” the girl said looking at the ground.
“Oh, a basement. Looks like you are right, [Name]!   Let's go then!”


“Saitama. Take Genos with you and take care about the last of those experiments. I need to get to the files” [Name] patted the man's shoulder. They were standing in front of two halls.
“What?! [Name]-sama, it is too risky! I'll go with you so I can protect your life!” Genos protested. “We don't know anything about the forces of «The House of Evolution»! You can-!” the cyborg was stopped by a firm grip on his shoulder.
“She will be alright. I'm sure you'll only get in her way” it was Saitama. His tone was unusually serious.
“Don't worry, Genos! I'm not just an ordinary citizen”


The floor was covered in glass, strange liquids and scraps of unhuman flesh. The disgusting smell of burned creatures' bodys covered in formalin. A bright fire was eating long time researches really fast, jumping from paper to meat and from meat to paper.
“Hmm... Nothing's left. Well, Eddie will be so mad when he gets a report”
Suddenly an alarm went off, the room and halls went red. After a few minutes it ended. Strange, but the basement was still not completely destroyed.
“The party is over” she went to the sound of the desperate yelling of her 'Big brother'.

“I screwed  up!!!”


“Woah... ” [Name] looked at the large room that was all messed up with cracks and parts of the monster. Then she saw an unfamiliar black haired man with glasses. “Oh! You're that obsessive scientist! What was it? Ah! Genus!” Gosh, he was really beaten up.
“Wh-who are you? How do you know me!?” he yelled at her with wide eyes.
“[Name]! Quick! We must make it to the shop before the sale ends!!!”
“Just a few minutes, guys! I'll catch up with you”
Saitama glanced at her face one last time and ran off with Genos on his tale.
“ Well, pal...” she sat down in front of Genus with her legs crossed “You'd better find a good fucking excuse before I decide to end your shitty life!” her smily face definitely didn't show any threat that sounded but the man's instincts were screaming, telling him to run away from her. However, when her warm hand'd touched his shoulder everything changed. The danger turned to a strange feeling of weakness.
“Just joking! Eh, look... There are two ways for you. First is to keep doing your fucked up experiments and in the end get your perverted zoophile ass burned alive. Or second one...” the fire flashed in her hand and like after magician trick there appeared a business card. “...you quiet, live like normal man BUT under the wing of my... 'company'...” the smile turned into a smirk.
Genus stared at her and at the business card. After a few thoughts he carefully took the card.
“A fine choice, my friend” she smirked an stood up “Have a good day, Doc”

She left the man in a few quick elegant jumps to the surface. Genus followed her way with wide eyes. His bloody hand clenched the card. The only thought that appeared in his head...

“That was... hot...”

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