938 25 3

Contains: strong language, violence, terrorist actions

IT WAS A WONDERFUL SUNNY day. Birds were singing, streets were calm. Well, almost...

“I, Hammerhead, will change our society into one where only those who want to work will work, while the rest are supported! We will create a utopia!” a giant man in a strange black costume yelled though no one was listening.

There, on the other side of the road, [Name] was sitting alone on a bench. She was looking at the paradises like they were...
“...A bunch of fucking clowns...” she smirked lazily. A mild breeze played with her hair. Her bright yellow hoody, light blue baggy jeans, clean white sneakers and colourful bag were shining in the sun, but not as bright as her greenish blue eyes.
“Yo” a male voice was heard somewhere from above. The girl rose her head and smiled warmly. “How's it goin'? Eddie hasn't gone too harsh on you, right?” she narrowed her eyes cockyly.


“I heard that he is insane but not THAT much” he laughed, sitting near her on the bench “What's happening this time?”
“A bunch of idiots who don't want to work” she told taking out two cans of soda “The only thing that I worry about is their battle suits. They are not registered and those dickheads totally got them from someone”
“Hey, your brother doesn't know anything?” Garou asked before taking a sip of the soda. When he looked to the side he nearly choked because of the instance cold stare [Name] was giving him.
“I-i mean-! Maybe they connected with him to join their 'club of young terrorists'! Just asking!” he corrected.
“Still no” she answered shortly. There was an awkward silence between them for a few minutes. “I've evacuated people from the building. The one they're crowding around for what hour. It belongs to a big company so they will try to attack it with their suits. However, the police hasn't arrived and  blocked the road yet. It can cause us problems”
“You know... If they don't even know how to use them, I'll laugh fucking wildly” she smirked looking at the paradisers crowd, who were slowly walking to the exact building the she told Garou about.
“Are they going to do their move?” Garou tensed up.
“Eh, those morons won't do anything dangerous, I'm sure”

BOOM! And the building was completely destroyed.

They both sweatdropped. “HOLY FUCK!” [Name] yelled in shock before quickly cover her mouth. They stood up and ran to the paradisers.

“Let the 'krovavaya banya*' begin!” the white haired laughed in excitement chasing the men.
“Hey! Russian is my thing!” the girl yelled “AND NO! We don't have time for this! SAVE THE FUCKIN' PEOPLE!”
Both young people stated taking the panicing citizens away from falling fragments of the building.


“Th-they are heading towards the skyscraper th-that Zeniru-sama owns!” a young policeman said that was still not beaten up by the paradisers. “They went to the forest to short the way!”
“Thanks” [Name] said “Tell your Chief to move to the Zeniru's building. Garou, you will come with them. And I'll go after them to minimize the danger for human lives”
However Garou haven't said anything. He was looking at the ground. [Name] hasn't seen it, but his face showed only irritation.


Why does everytime something get in my way to be close to her. First, that colleagues-idiots, then that bald fucker, now – some trash of terrorists! Maybe I should do something more radical? Yeah... Soon, you'll see, [Name], that I'm the most perfect match for you from the very start!


His train of thoughts was stopped by a warm hand on his shoulder.
“When everything ends, let's go have a dinner at that new steak house” her warm smile that he'd loved for so long, now was absolutely stunning in the daylight. He felt how his heart was pounding wildly in his chest, how his face was heating up.
“Y-yeah! Let's go...” 'Maybe she is a devil like her boss says, but I definitely don't mind it'


“Good job, [Name], you were able to lose almost twenty bald men in giant ass costumes in a damn forest, just wonderful job!” [Name] told to herself, running in the forest, stopping from time to time to hear any voices or loud footsteps of the terrorists.
Suddenly she froze in the place. Her wide eyes followed the dusty ground then stopped at the thin creek of blood. Then a scream and a earthquake shaked her with the ground and trees. ‘Shit!’
She ran to the place as fast as she could. Rumbling wasn't stopping, but once she'd seen a large frame of Hammerhead, the man collapsed. ‘SHIT!’
Without any thought she was near the lying man. She checked his pulse and a black kunai sticking in his head. Amazing but he was still alive. ‘So, he was named like that for a reason’. She looked for someone who has done this to him or at least for someone from his group.

Suddenly a cold sharp metal was felt near her neck. ‘He's shorted the distance so fast and I couldn't even notice. He isn't some trash of an assassin. Maybe even a pro’ A rather young male voice sounded to the right of her face:
“Who are you?”
“I have the same question” she smirked slyly “Are you some kind of an assassin? Who are you working for?” her face turned to the stranger. However he wasn't doing anything. His wide eyes weren't leaving her face, his body wasn't moving. [Name] looked at him confused then stood up. The man's gaze followed her and now he was looking at her, and [Name] could see him clearly: black hair, grey eyes, purple scarf, black skin-tight suit, a lack of armor, a few weapons and slim, almost feminine, body. 'That's something new...' she thought. But before she could say or do anything, the man grabbed her hand and took his mask off.
“How such a black soul like mine could be blessed by such beauty? Have you been taken hostage by such scum, My Lady? But don't worry, My Lady, I, Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, will be protecting you from now on”
“Eh... Thanks? But I was after the Hammerhead and while you're talking he'd run away” the girl pointed her thumb behind her back.
“Wha-?! Nevermind! Give me a little time to get rid off him and I'll be back, My Lady!” and he ran off with an incredible speed.
'What a twink...' [Name] thought 'But I must say I'm jealous of his speed... What should I do with him?.. He might become a problem'
“Argh... And Hammerhead, shit...” she said annoyed and walked to the forest where a strange assassin-man'd run off. “Hey, hey! Fuck my life”


For a few minutes the girl was wandering among trees to find the missing terrorist. Surprisingly, she found Saitama that was really happy to see her in her workday.
“Wait, wait! So you fought Hammerhead and that cuckoo guy?”
“Yeah...” Saitama said. He looked like he was deeply in his own thoughts.
“What's wrong, big bro?”
“Let's talk home, ok?” the two stayed silent all the way to Saitama's flat.


“Speed-o'-sound Sonic? Who is that? And who would possess such a redundant name?”
“I don't know, but if he sweared to defeat you, Saitama, he will be a pain in a certain place. People as him aren't the ones to mess with such words”
“[Name]-san, if he is a nuisance, I will get rid of him for you”
Her and the cyborg had a small talk about the recent events, while Saitama looked really depressed for unknown for the other two reason. He hasn't even noticed how close the guy was to his precious little sister.
“There's no need to worry about him, my dear friend! Just...yet...” the girl smiled to the other, not even noticing a lovefull gaze.
'It's been a few days and she has already called me 'friend'! Oh, her smile is so pretty!'
“So, Saitama, what have you wanted to talk about?”
“Nobody knows me”


“Saitama... Have you been listed with the Hero Registry at least?” [Name] laughed after hearing the man's story, surprised at his problem. “As I know, self-proclaimed heroes such as yourself, are just weirdos in the public eyes. They are not famous nor rich in any spectrum”
“Wait, really? I had no idea. Genos, are you registered?”
“No, I feel no need to” the cyborg said side glaring at the girl 'She knows a lot about the Hero Association, but she isn't and wasn't on the hero list. Even so, she works like a hero. What a mystery you are, [Name]-sama...'
“Well, I need to go. Good luck on today's test!”
“It's today?!”
“M? Yes, look at the official website of the HA, bye!” and then she closed the door.
'What kind of person are you?..'

* - bloodbath

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