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Contains: unhealthy(obsessed) behavior, non-consensual watching, strong language, violence, blood

TODAY [NAME] DECIDED TO VISIT SAITAMA and Genos as well. Closer to lunch, Saitama left to kill some squid monster from the news to cook the cheapest squid udon. She and Genos were left in each other's care.

[Name] was cutting vegetables and everything they needed to prepare, while Genos was writing something in his note book about Saitama's 'training'.
“Genos, pass me the soy sauce, please” she asked pointing at the glass with dark liquid with spices in it. He grabbed it and handed it to her. The girl's hand slightly brushed with his, sending strange feeling through his system. His hand squeezed the glass, breaking and pouring all the contents onto the girl.

“[Name]-san! I'm so, so sorry! I don't know what's got into me!” the young cyborg panicked after seeing a big nasty spot on the bright white longsleeve that [Name] was wearing.

“Don't worry so much! It's just a clothing nothing more! I'll just change it for the T-shirt I've left here” and she left, laughing slightly at cyborg's overreacting. Now she was changing in the bathroom, while Genos was staring at the was looking at the slightly opened door. He could hear  the rustle of clothes and small steps of [Name]. Slowly and very quiet, he walked up to the door, not getting any attention of the other.


I know that it's wrong and I must respect [Name]'s personal boundaries, but I can't ignore the things that she gives me everytime. I hate seeing others taking her away from me, Sensei or that strange haired guy. I just... I just want to know her more, be with her...
I stood to the left from the gap so I can see her, but she can't see me. She lifted her upper clothes and now I could see her back. There was a huge star-shaped scar on her left side, it's rays stretched across the entire back, many small ones covered every piece of her skin, not only her back, but arms, shoulders and neck.
And even with them she looked like the most beautiful, most incredible person I've ever met. I bet her body is still soft and tender to touch, those scars probably made it even more sensitive. I don't know how, but I can actually feel her. I don't remember the last time, when I could feel someone physically. Maybe the case is in her power, but I don't care.

I want her to be mine – mine to touch, mine to feel, mine to kiss... Mine in every single way possible. I can't let her leave me...


Suddenly the front door was opened and Saitama walked in with a plastic bag full of squid monster flesh.
“Oh! You're fast this time, Big Bro” [Name] walked out in a strange T-shirt that was similar to the peasant shirt from history books about Slavic people. It's even looking like it's been made from flax.
The bald man looked at the two teenagers confused. He didn't like the situation – he left his dear sister with some strange cyborg and now she was in a completely different clothing. He didn't like it very much.
“The HELL were you two doing here.” he asked irritably, even angry. 'Don't you dare to even think about doing anything with her, you damn toaster!' his mind screamed.
“What's up with the tone! We're preparing everything for the údon!” [Name] was indignant with the Saitama's attitude.
“Udon, [Name]-san” Genos corrected her.

“I-... Eh...” the man sighed “Fine... Let's forget it” he walked into his living room/bedroom, still keeping an eye on Genos. As they sat down around the table, where everything was ready for cooking. And yet, Saitama didn't let Genos sit next to [Name], sending him death glares.


After their lunch all three were cleaning dishes – Saitama was wiping the table, [Name] was washing the dishes and Genos's drying them.
“So, how are you two doing with your hero work?” the girl asked, ending the washings.
“After the meteor disaster I've been risen up to the 16th from 17th” the cyborg male said, not stopping from his work “And Saitama-sensei's the 2nd in C class now”
“Hah! That's fast and cool! Even after that accident with those scams from the bottom you're still rising up, Big Bro!” the girl exclaimed proudly. Her self-proclaimed brother blushed from the praise and rubbed the back of his head. On the other hand, Genos looked upset from the lack of the girl's attention, his eyes his back to the dishes. This didn't go unnoticed by her.

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