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Contains: gore (not radical), 1 shitty russian (not funny) joke, talking of killing.
P.S. I'm not proud of this chapter and I'm really suck at explaining character's motivation or past

[NAME] WAS SITTING IN AN OFFICE. Her eyes darted to the five people who were sitting at the wide table – Saitama, Forte, Garou, the woman with the neck tattoo and the older black-haired man.

“[Name]...” the man started “I think it's time for you to tell them about... 'Fisher'...” he had a thick russian accent and was speaking a little worse than the said girl.

“Ah... That's the problem...” she hid her face in fists, her voice cracked a little, her hands were visible shaking. She gulped and lifted her head up, there's no more smile.

“I... I respect you all very much... and it'd be fair, if I tell you everything...” somehow she was looking in every pair of eyes, not even moving her head. “Two years ago I killed a man... That's why I disappeared... I've never told you about it because... because I was scared and ashamed... I was scared that you'll hate me... and I... heh... couldn't think of much than just keep my mouth shut all this time...” her voice trembled more and more with each passing second as she was looking at the shocked faces of the people she loved.


'Fisher' was one of the secret cases that was hidden from people to avoid the panic. The case with multiple deaths not even about a monster, but a human.

And the nuance is the culprit was freed by the HA. And, well, I couldn't just let it go so easily. Sooo... I got really mad and... happened what's happened... And I have spent the last two years in... a special institution... before Woland took me in to work for the «Mórok».

That's why I'm here and that's why I'm... well... like that...What happened clearly knocked me out a little, haha...

I know, it doesn't explain that much... I'm just... don't know what to say or how explain such things... I'm... sorry... for not telling you earlier...


Her dry lips, curved into a sad smile, were trembling slightly. With a sinking heart, she waited for screams and words of disgust but only felt a pair of arms, hugging her close to a steel-like chest. It was Saitama.

“Don't say such silly things, [Name]! I will never hate you, no matter what you have done...” he whispered with a voice full of love and care.

“Kid, this's really complicated and... and shocking... I-I don't even know what to say but I'll never hate you either” Forte smiled, taking his sunglasses off.

“I trust you, [Name], and I'm sure that 'Fisher' has earned such fate if you decided to do it” Garou walked up to the girl and wrapped his arms around her neck, giving her a warm hug. “I will never let anyone take you away, [Name], you hear me?” he whispered, placing the lightest kiss ever on her cheek.

“It's all just wonderful, really, but we have one more topic to discuss. Eddie?” the woman, Banquo, said, turning everyone's attention to the black-haired man, Eddie.

“Yeah... You're right” he sighed, looking serious and somehow sad “Fisher is actually alive and now he's under protection of the HA”

“What? How?! He couldn't make it out alive with such injuries! It- it must be a mistake!” the slavic girl jumped up in shock. Two men tried to settle her back down on her chair.

“Unfortunately, it's true. And now, I want to ask you – Saitama, Forte – to avoid any work that includes being bodyguards for people, especially for men” Eddie asked, looking from Forte to Saitama. Both of them nodded in understanding.

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