Chapter Two

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You were completely naked with your legs wrapped around his waist, kissing him furiously as he carried you blindly to your bedroom after you told him where it was. Neither of you could stop kissing anywhere you could reach and the heat that radiated off your bodies was mind melting. He had his metal arm around your back and a hand gripping into your thigh, his fingers digging into the lower flesh of your ass as he kissed you deeply, moaning into your mouth.

His knees hit the edge of the bed and he laid you down, bending to go with, and his hands cupped your waist as he pushed you back up the bed. He left open mouth kisses down your chest before he pulled a nipple into his mouth, and you moaned lowly at the feeling. You threw your head back, your fingers threading through his hair as he dug his hands into the softer flesh around your hips, and you pressed him into you, never getting enough.

"Fuck, James," You breathed out as he nipped and licked down your middle, silently asking permission when he looked to you the moment he reached right below your navel and you were nodding your head, "Yeah, yeah, all of it."

He had a ghost of a smile on his lips, clearly pleased with your response that you basically moaned out, and then he kissed lightly where your thigh met your center. His breath was hot against your skin and his arms pressed your thighs apart so you couldn't close them even when the pleasure became overwhelming, anchoring you to the bed.

Your hand was in his hair, scratching at his scalp pleadingly to guide him where you wanted, and your other hand was at your side, clenching the sheets between your fist as you squeezed your eyes shut.

"Look at me, doll," He muttered against your thigh, kissing it as you forced yourself to meet his eyes, moaning at the barely there sliver of blue that surrounded his blown pupils, and then he smiled when you locked eyes, "There she is."

You opened your mouth to bite back something sarcastic, but all that came out was a moan as he laid his tongue flat against your center, ending on your clit before he sucked it into his mouth, neither of you wanting to tease the other because you've wanted this since he had his mouth on yours in the bar.

He watched you even when you had to look away as your head went back to hit the pillow and he prodded his tongue further down where you knew more of him would be soon. Then he trailed up back to your nub, two of his flesh fingers coming up to enter you, making you cry out.

"So loud for me, doll, I love it."

You barely caught his words as he started moving in and out of you, curling his fingers up in a come-hither motion while his mouth continued to torture your clit, the heat in your middle twisting in waves that sent goosebumps across your body.

He hit the spot that had you shaking underneath him, and he smirked, but knowing he found it made him moaned into you as you tried not to let the pounding in your heart reach your ears where you couldn't hear him any longer as you tumbled over your peak. Your breath caught in your throat as you clenched around his fingers and the vibrations from his voice as he muttered praises against your throbbing center only served to prolong it.

"Good to know where that is for later." He remarked, getting up to crawl next to you as you came down from your high, his hand spread out over your middle as he brushed your hair back, and then he flicked his eyes between yours and your lips before pressing your lips together for a bruising kiss that he easily deepened when you let him.

"You sound like an explorer or something," You smirked teasingly against his mouth, still trying to get your head back in it, and he groaned when you palmed him through his jeans a few moments later, "Now lie back, James, it's my turn."

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