Chapter Seven

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After the shower, you wrapped your hair up in a towel and had one around you while he dried off enough to get his boxers back on. You were both sitting on the couch talking and not twenty minutes into it, you guys were making out with you straddling his lap while his hands rested between your ass and bare upper thighs.

The towel on your head came loose and you tried to ignore it, but then you broke the kiss to snort a laugh as it fell on his face.

"Aw, you'd look cute with your hair wrapped in a towel," You cooed, taking the drier side of it and scratching lightly at his damp hair, kissing him quickly when he pouted grumpily, and then he put his arms around your middle, pulling you in closer to kiss your neck as you dried his hair, "Not enough of it, I guess though."

"Keep letting me do this and I'll let you do whatever you want with my hair – even if it makes me look ridiculous." He mumbled against your collarbone between nips and kisses.

You arched your back into him and stifled a moan when you could feel him on your inner thigh through his boxers.

"Yeah?" You mused lowly, your voice deeper, and he groaned at the sound, "Just your hair?"

He pulled back to meet your eyes with his intrigued ones, a small smile curling at his lips, kissing you deeply as he got rid of both towels, and leaving you bare in his lap. You pressed your chest against his warm one and he groaned, squirming underneath you enough to lift his hips and get rid of his boxers so he could kick them off his ankles. He reached for the condom on the couch that you had brought out teasingly earlier, saying that you should start keeping them in every room if this is going to be a thing. He lit up at the possibility and you laughed but couldn't bring yourself to say you were kidding.

"Always up for it," He smirked when you cocked an eyebrow with an amused smile as his already fully hard dick slid against your clit, surprising you, so you jumped a little at the sensation, "And you can't blame me," He gritted out, guiding you over his lap so he could slide in with ease, making you both moan out breathlessly as he filled you more than anyone else has ever been able to, "When I've got the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, naked in my lap."

You didn't say anything, just buried your face in his neck as he stretched you, biting down with the first move you made, gliding him in and out with ease since you have both been building to this since the shower.

But this felt different.

It wasn't rushed or heated, and he was starting to kiss you sweetly when you finally met his lips, the thrusts slow and gradual. It was overwhelming, especially with the way he was looking at you, and then your mind snapped back to reality, where his words made your heart flutter.

"Feel so good, doll," He muttered under his breath with a strained voice, guiding you by your hips back and forth over his lap as your knees dug into the couch at his sides and you had your arms wrapped around his neck, your breathing mixing with his, "Wish I could always have you like this," He started pressing kisses down your neck, silently pleading for you to let him leave a mark, and then he kissed under your ear before whispering hotly, "Want you as mine."

You didn't know how to feel, but you knew how to make him stop because if he didn't, then you'd be forced to face the depth of his words.

So, you picked up the pace, clenching around him every time he bottomed out, groans tumbling from his lips, and drawing an orgasm out of him. When you gently pressed a hand to the back of his head, encouraging the hickey he was dying to make, he suddenly came with a guttural moan. He was still cumming when he reached down to rub your clit with sure strokes because he's driven you there so many times already. And it worked, not that you needed much to get there with him sounding like that and the feeling of him pulsing inside you through the protection, but it definitely made it easier and more powerful.

"Fuck." You hissed, getting off his lap carefully, and his grip on your hips tightened for a second before he let you go so you could slump next to him on the couch, trying to catch your breath.

You grabbed the towel off the couch, so it covered you lazily and he stayed exactly how he was, completely naked, next to you as you both came down from your highs. You were still breathing heavier than normal when you glanced over at him and found he was already watching you, both of you smiling with flushed cheeks.

His eyes had a glimmer to them as he kept looking at you and a warmth bloomed in your chest, but you tried to ignore it, internally claiming it was just because you trusted him. He didn't even know your name and you didn't know his last, but you guys have been getting to know each other between rounds of mind-blowing sex, so you knew enough to be able to feel safe around this man.

"Growing up," You didn't know why you were telling him this, but he took the other towel to cover his crotch because it didn't feel like a moment to have it all hanging out – no matter how impressive it might be, "Me and my dad used to watch The Blues Brothers all the time."

"Belushi." He muttered fondly under his breath, a different smile crossing his lips, and you knew he was keeping quiet so you would tell him anything else.

"I was in love with Carrie Fisher," You smirked, and he laughed, "So, the first time, I was game, but then the movie was hilarious, so it became a thing with us."

"How old were you when you started liking her?" He asked, half teasingly, and you chuckled, playing with the cotton material between your fingers.

"Mm, seven or eight – right after watching Star Wars," You thought back, "But I was also in love with Michael Keaton because of Jack Frost since I was five. So."

"You've always had a thing for people older than you." He concluded with a knowing smile, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, and if you thought about it, he just looked really happy.

"Speaking of," You wiggled your eyebrows, and he huffed a laugh, making you smile, "When was the first time you ever had sex?" He gaped at you a little, not knowing that was where this was going, "I would ask you about your celebrity crushes, but I'm naked and I don't need the comparison right now," You joked and then looked to him again, "And I only ask because I need to know when this whole man written by a woman in the bedroom thing started – I've never been with a guy who makes sure I finish at least once every time, it's unheard of in my world."

"Well, I was about twenty-four when I was recruited," He cleared his throat, "And I guess it was about four or five years before that, yeah, I think I was twenty," He nodded, thinking back like it was so long ago when it must've only been about fifteen years ago at most if you had to guess, "What about you?"


"What? Really? Seems young."

"I was in love," You shrugged, "Or at least it felt that way," You chuckled, thinking back with a slight cringe, "She was older and worked for her dad in a car shop – it was a summer romance."

"Aw, sweetheart," He put an arm around you, pulling you into his side, and then kissed the top of your head, "That sounds nice."

"It was," You sighed, "But then she dumped me because she was leaving for uni and the guy I dated next was a real tool, so I figured love didn't exist."

"It does." He assured quietly and you rolled your eyes at his cheesiness.

"I'm starving," You patted his knee and got up while properly wrapping the towel back around your middle, "I'm going to change and then order a pizza," You hesitated, "Are you um..."

"I'll order it while you change." He waved you off, not wanting to answer the question he hoped you'd stop asking, but he just did.

You rounded the coffee table and then froze when the lock on the door was clicking, the knob turning a second later. Then it swung open, revealing a very delighted Alex who didn't see you standing there yet with their arms full of a duffel bag and other bags holding food and camera equipment.

"Honey, I'm – holy jesus fucking christ! Is that guy's naked ass on my couch??"

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