Chapter Eighteen

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It was nearly three by the time the two of you were on your way back to your place since it was closer and neither of you were very tired. Besides your feet killing you, maybe heels weren't the way to go if you weren't cabbing or training it back, you felt exhilarated. You guys stayed in the pool hall until closing and then went to a midnight movie where halfway through you were crawling into his lap to make out with him. It was a good night.

"Take those off." He laughed, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to eye your shoes, and you huffed before you put a hand on his shoulder for balance as you pulled them off, stuffing them into your bag after.

"Fine, but my feet will be black by the time we get there – are we ready for that? We just made it official, foot stuff is a whole different level, James." You mumbled and he shook his head with a smile, crouching down.

"Get on my back."

"Yes! Been waiting for this day ever since I saw you topless!" You cheered, hurrying to scramble onto his back before he changed his mind, and he snorted a laugh before he helped you up, grabbing the backs of your thighs as you hung your arms around his neck, careful not to hurt him, and then you kissed his cheek a few times as he adjusted his hold, "Thank you, thank you!"

He just grinned before starting to head back to yours again and you didn't care that you probably should be cautious in a dress since it was nearly the early morning and not many people were about. You soon leaned your elbows on his broad shoulders and put your hands in his hair, playing with it before you gave him a kiss on the back of his head, unintentionally sniffing him.

"You smell like apples. I think I just melted into a puddle." You mumbled, mainly to yourself, and he chuckled.

"I'm guessing it's a good smell, then." He smirked and you hummed, kissing him again.

He pressed against your back with his hands on your hips, kissing your neck, as you fumbled to open your apartment door about twenty minutes later. It reminded you of your first night with him and that had you feeling so happy because you guys have gotten so much further than all those months ago.

Once you got inside, he spun you around to slam your back against the door, kissing you hungrily as you moaned into it, and he smirked, having tested out a theory that proved him right. He locked the door to your side as he pulled back and looked at you as if you were a full meal.

"Can I fuck you?" He blurted out in a low, gruff voice against your lips when you thought he was going to kiss you again, and you tried to not let your legs give out when his hands cupped your waist.

"Yeah, of course." You mustered up and his smile grew before he kissed you again, reaching down to tap the back of your thighs and you took the hint, jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist.

His hand gripped into your ass under your dress, squeezing it, and his other arm was around your back, holding you firmly to him as he deepened the kiss, the whole thing quickly becoming heated and dirty. You were already breathless as he trailed kisses down your neck, carrying you into your bedroom with purpose, and even though Alex was away until tomorrow, he still kicked the door closed behind him.

You laid back on the bed as he stood between your bent knees, shrugging his jacket off in one move and then peeling the shirt off his torso. The second he did, you abandoned trying to take your dress off at this angle and lunged forward to kiss and feel his naked chest. You bit, nipped, and licked over his nipples and he groaned, his fingers threading through your hair. You kissed down his abs and every part you could reach like a woman starved. The noises he was making only spurred you on, but you soon got impatient and pulled back to finally rid yourself of your dress, lifting your hips a bit in the process.

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