Chapter Ten

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The two of you stayed up all night talking and around four in the morning, a sleepy Alex walked into your room after knocking quietly to hand over a couple of mugs of tea to you guys. You thanked them with a laugh, and they only grunted, still half asleep, before walking back out, closing the door behind them.

"So, when you said Sam was your best friend..."

"Half of a lie, we tolerate each other," He cleared up and you chuckled, lightly scratching at the stubble under his chin, "But he's the new Captain America."

"You miss Steve?"

"All the time," He sighed, pulling you closer as you snuggled into his side with your head on his chest as he leaned his back against the headboard, "Doesn't mean I'm not proud of Sam. He deserves it."

"Can I meet him?"

"I knew it!" He pretended to be upset, "I knew you were just using me to get to him – all that crap about bananas and movie stubs! All of it was bullshit and I played right into your trap!"

"Yes," You deadpanned, turning to face him with a cheeky grin as your eyes flicked from his to his lips, "You just get me."

He let out a breathy laugh before smashing his lips against yours, and then he gently coaxed you onto your back after putting your now empty cups on the nightstand so he could snuggle in between your legs. You helped him pull off his shirt and his tags hung down, so you played with them between your fingers as he smiled down at you with soft eyes before he moved to take them off too, kissing you right after.

In between kisses, you both rid your clothes of each other, not caring if it was five in the morning, and you were smiling and giggling as he tickled you once in a while with his scruff on your neck and chest. He felt so good against your skin – warm and protective. It truly felt like such a weight off your shoulders, being able to open up to someone who wasn't your roommate or an unsuspecting stray cat on your walk home, and after he told you everything about himself, you trusted him more than most.

It was overwhelming. But it all felt so different, it wasn't bad, and it didn't scare you anymore.

He soon pressed into you with a groan and kissed along your neck, panting against your skin after he bottomed out.

"I'll never get used to this." He forced a light laugh, stifling a moan behind it, and you hummed, cupping his face so you could kiss him, the soldier happily kissing you back.

His strokes were smooth and patient, letting you feel him as much as you could. He expertly hit the spot deep inside you that you could never reach on your own and you threw your head back, so he easily started kissing and nipping at your neck again. This time, he was leaving as many marks as he wanted since the moans spilling off your tongue only told him that you wanted it. And you did. You wanted all of it.

It was nearly two in the afternoon the next day by the time you crawled carefully out of bed, trying not to wake the soldier, and, thinking you succeeded, you snuck off to the bathroom to take a shower. Alex left a note on the fridge like they always did when they had to bail and this time they were just going out for the day, so they'd be back before you got home after work.

You shuffled your playlist and decided to attempt to make the two of you breakfast.

Twenty minutes in, you felt like it was going well, and you were popping the toast when you started singing along to the song that was playing, filling the living room and kitchen with a noise other than your own curses when you nearly burned the bacon.

"So, I said that I smoke and been known to drink my share," You sang along, dancing around the kitchen in James' t-shirt and not much else because you liked having his scent surround you – reminded you of the night before, "'You're young and you're drunk' he said with a stone-cold glare," You continued, trying to properly flip a pancake and only failing a little, "But you don't know me, I ain't got no legacy! And he said to me, 'it's not too late to pick up the pieces'!"

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