"I am so jealous of you right now" Vivian sighs with her arm linked with mine.
We're at the mall shopping right now because I wanted to get some new bikinis for my trip with Christian. We leave tomorrow so I'm kind of last minute shopping which is why I'm glad Vivian volunteered to come with me.
"But jealous like omg I wanna go with you, not jealous like omg I wanna be you" she clarifies which makes me laugh. "I'm currently obsessed with this cowboy man but we're definitely not going on vacation anytime soon"
"I don't know" I nudge her. "It happened pretty fast for me"
"Very true" she wiggles her eyebrows as we walk into a store that's filled with summer clothes. "Maybe you should get some new sundresses too! You said he loves those on you right?"
"Yeah" I blush. "But I also love wearing them"
"Girl we are gonna make you look so good on this trip!" Vivian squeals. "Oh this red is perfect!" she darts for a rack of bikinis, taking out the one in red.
Being with Vivian reminds me of how much I've missed having a girl friend. It's been almost two months now, and I'm really grateful for her friendship. She treats me like I've been in her life forever, both her and Travis, even though they haven't known me as long as they've known each other.
We shop around in this store and I pick up a few cute bikinis and a white sundress. Vivian gets a bikini for herself too. Just as I'm in line to check out, my phone rings.
"Hey" I answer with a smile.
"Hi Pumpkin" Cal drawls in that deep voice that does things to my body. "How is the shopping going?"
"It's good" I reply and Vivian wiggles her eyebrows at me as we move forward. "We just finished at the first store, we're in line right now"
"You're using my card, correct?"
I bite my bottom lip, chewing it lightly. He gave me his card this morning before I left his apartment to meet Vivian at the mall. "I can pay for own things you know. I got this great new job that pays me a great new salary"
Vivians eyes widen and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "Take his money!" she mouths silently.
"I pay for things that I enjoy" he states. "And I will enjoy seeing you in your new clothes while taking them off. Let me pay for them in case I damage them in the process"
My cheeks heat so much that I feel my skin tingle just slightly. "Well when you put it like that..."
After reassuring that I'll use his card to pay for my clothes, Vivian and I both check out and then we head back out into the main part of the mall to walk to a different store.
"So how are you and the cowboy man?" I ask. It's been almost three weeks since she met him that night when we all went out. "What's his name anyway?"
"Nash" Vivian smirks but I have a feeling it's to hide her smile. "Nothing really, we've been out a couple of times since then. We're going out tomorrow night"
"Tell me about him" I nudge her elbow playfully.
"He is the oldest of five brothers and two sisters" she hooks our arms together. "He runs the ranch that his family grew up on, I think one or two of his brothers might live with him. But anyways he's like a big time cowboy rancher guy. I mean he like saddles horses and everything"
"So you like them rugged" I tease.
Vivian rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. "I've never had them rugged" her cheeks redden just slightly. "But enough about me, what-"

His Possession
عاطفيةNora Juniper Harlow has just gotten her heartbroken by the two most important people in her life. So in a quest to start over, she moves in with her sister and starts a new job, promising herself that she'll focus on finding a career and leave men a...