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Christian is a diva.

I'm not sure how I missed this character trait of his, but it's become very apparent as we look at houses. Which we have been doing all day.

One was too far from his office, one was too close to his office. Another one had asphalt shingled roofing which apparently is completely out of the question. One house didn't have enough fire places. One house we didn't even step foot in because there was a huge tree in front of it and he proceeded to list off all the rodents and bugs that could seep into the house because of said tree. When I suggested we just cut the tree down, he said he didn't want an ugly stump in our front yard.

Currently I'm sitting on a barstool in a nice big kitchen while Christian rattles off questions to our real estate agent like he's a game show host playing lighting round with his contestant.

"What are the schools like over here?" He asks.

"They have a 3.5-"


I sigh. "Cal, our kids don't have to go to a school in this neighborhood. I thought you said you wanted to put them in private school anyway."

"I don't want our kids to be surrounded by idiots" he turns around to look at me. "There's a few other houses we can look at"

I groan, sliding off the chair and wobbling over to him on my tired feet. "Cal," I moan. "We've been looking at places all day and you've found something wrong with each one of them"

He wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. "I want our home to be perfect"

"Well then why don't you just build it from scratch?" I suggest. "It won't be perfect unless you make it, because only you know exactly what you want"

Cal thinks about it for a long second. "Do you know what you want?" He asks me.

"I just want to live in a house with you and our baby, I don't care where it is or what's inside of it. We could live in a box for all I care" I tell him, resting my head against his chest.

"That won't be happening," his face twists into a sour expression and I roll my eyes. "The house wouldn't be finished by the time our baby's here. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure," I shrug. "We can just set up their nursery in the guest room for now, it's really not that big of a deal"

"Okay," he rubs my back before turning to our real estate agent. "Find us a piece of land. I'll email you a list of requirements"

I mouth a sorry to our real estate agent, knowing that Christian is going to make that job nearly impossible for him, before I walk with him out to our waiting car.

"How are you feeling?" Cal asks as James drives off.

"Tired," I sigh. Being almost six months pregnant is not for the weak. Soon enough I'll be in my third trimester, and I'm really not looking forward to whatever that may bring. Except for my baby of course. "And hungry, and I have to pee, but I also really want to make brownies when we get home"

I'm still perfecting recipes for when I open my bakery, whenever that may be. Cal says when I give him the go ahead he'll buy me a storefront and help me with everything I need to open it, but I'm just not sure when I'll be ready to do that. I want to spend majority of my time raising our kids, I don't want to miss anything with them by working, and honestly, I think I'm more of a behind the scenes person anyway. I love baking and making recipes, but the business stuff? I don't want anything to do with it.

"You should sleep when we get home, we've been out all day" he glances at me, placating me with a smile.

I narrow my eyes at him. "What is it?"

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