If I thought Monday was a bad morning, this takes the cake.
The only thing I'm holding onto is that tomorrow is Friday and that means after that is the weekend.
My face is long with exhaustion as I walk down the street, the sadness slowly creeping over me. The text messages that I was getting all night rolling around in my mind.
Duke: Come on babe please
Duke: I can't stop thinking about you
Duke: I love you
Duke: I'm sorry
Duke: Pick up the damn phone, Nora
Duke: Stop ignoring me
Duke: Talk to me
And the text message I definitely wasn't expecting.
Sonia: It's been two weeks. I tried giving you space...please Nora just let me explain
It just won't stop and I can't seem to block either of them. I have no idea why.
When I walk up to Roast Room, I slip my phone in the pocket of my royal blue pants that I've paired with a soft yellow blouse and tan flats. My hair is down today, bouncy curls framing my face along with my glasses.
I'm kind of curious what Mr. Grump will think of todays get up.
Throwing a smile on my face, I walk inside. Fake it till you make it Nora.
"Nancy" I sing walking up to the counter.
"Well don't you look chipper" she smiles as she wipes down the counter with a towel.
"I feel chipper" I smile. "Exceptionally chipper and I'm not even sure what chipper means"
Nancy laughs. "Well maybe you can share some of that chipperness with your fella over there" she glances behind me.
My fella?
I turn around to see Mr. Grump sitting there with a newspaper in his hands. There is a cup of coffee on the table in front of him and in front of the empty seat is a napkin with a slice of pumpkin bread on it and a glass of water.
My eyes lift to see him not reading the newspaper but staring at us, shamelessly might I add.
"He's a nice looking one" Nancy says making me turn back to look at her. "Far better looking than-"
"Yup, got it Nance" I cut her off since I'm fairly certain he can hear her. She wasn't even attempting to whisper.
Nancy chuckles and saunters off to the back while I make my way to my breakfast and company.
"What time do you get here every morning?" I ask sitting down in the chair. "Must be pretty early because I always get here at seven on the dot"
He licks his lips and I try not to react to it as he folds up his newspaper. "Six fifty" he replies. "On the dot"
I take off a piece of bread and pop it in my mouth. "You look like someone who has a company to run"
"Do I?" he muses. I ignore how he rakes his eyes over me.
"Yup, yet you've spent every morning this week here with me" I take a sip of water and look at him. "Why's that?"
"Maybe I just want to make sure you don't spill coffee on any other poor, unsuspecting men wearing white shirts"
I swear the corner of his lips lift.
I swear it.
My smile starts to feel more and more genuine until I'm letting out a small giggle. "Well just so you know I never plan on ordering coffee again"

His Possession
Roman d'amourNora Juniper Harlow has just gotten her heartbroken by the two most important people in her life. So in a quest to start over, she moves in with her sister and starts a new job, promising herself that she'll focus on finding a career and leave men a...