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Cayden: *sitting down in front on the laptop and staring at it* Check one, two...

Fitz: *staring at Cayden, chuckling* Cayden, I think the cam and mic are already on. No need to do the voice check.

Cayden: *groaning childishly* Fúck off, Grant! Let me do this my way, okay?

Fitz: *rolling his eyes, chuckling again* Fine.

Cayden: *smiling, cracking his knuckles* Hello, everybody! Yeah, YOU!!! *staring squarely at the cam* Yes, all of you readers out there. It's me here. Cayden. Even though we can't see each other, know that I'm still talking to you. The mic is on but the cam is blocked off. So, listen up.

Fitz: *cutting Cayden off* Cayden, I think they all get it. Say what you need to say already.

Cayden: *staring pointedly at Fitz who's sitting next to him* Yeah, yeah. Okay. Here's the thing. I need to tell y'all something. This is in regards to our lovely author, @BlissfullyInLove93. This girl is seriously pissing me off big time!!! If she were here with me, I would've –

Fitz: *cutting Cayden off, again* Jesus, Cayden. What makes you think the author is a girl? It could be a he, you know.

Cayden: *blowing raspberry* Oh, puh-lease! What makes you think she's a guy, huh? For all intents and purposes, @BlissfullyInLove93 could be a girl. A straight girl as a matter of fact. I might be wrong. But I don't care. Besides, I believe 99.9% of Wattpad authors and readers are girls. Duh!!!

Fitz: *placating* If you say so. But if it turns out that the author is a gay guy, you're gonna hurt his feelings if he reads this. Just saying...

Cayden: *covering Fitz's mouth with his hand* Just shut up, Grant! And let me do this. You want me to finish this or not?!

Fitz: *licking Cayden's palm sensually, and chuckling when Cayden groan irritatedly, wiping his moist palm on his shorts* Go right ahead. I promise I'll shut up for the time being.

Cayden: *ignoring Fitz* As I was saying, @BlissfullyInLove93 is in need of your – yes, you readers – help in her quest to finish telling my story, BOARDING BOYS. Now, how can you help her? By leaving comments in this AUTHOR'S NOTE chapter. Or you can PM her if you want. Your help will be most grateful and appreciated.

How can you help her? Well, first things first I'm just gonna say that I'm livid and irate – IRATE I'm telling you – at her for not updating for so fúcking long. You feel it too. I know it. You can't lie to me. So, don't even start. Anyway, she and I have been exchanging emails and PMs back and forth telling and discussing at length our story to her so that she can write it so that others get to know what's happening to me. Us. Me and Fitz. Well, mostly me. But, whatever.

Apparently, our story wasn't interesting enough that she needed some time to embellish it a little. Fúck that! And, that she also said that she needed to work on the outline of the story. BULLSHÍT, I'm telling you. She's just full of shít! *groaning loudly* My guess is that she's just a lazy ass motherfúcker! Heck yeah.

Fitz: *snickering*

Cayden: *turning to Fitz* Grant, you need to shut up, or I'll shut you up for good!

Fitz: *zips his lips, and throws away the imaginary key away and sighs, winking*

Cayden: So, where was I? Oh yeah. This is what happens when you entrusted some immature, very amateur, unknown albeit aspiring writer who's already too busy with her own life to tell your story. *groans loudly* Alright. I'm done ranting. Now, I need y'all's help to help her on finishing my story.

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