Who would've thought it that there would be a mountain of paperwork and incident reports that needed to be filled out when one got himself involved in an incident?! Me! Duh! Of course it was me. I sighed loudly at this increasingly tiresome paperwork. Nevertheless, I continued on filling out these incident reports as instructed.
There went the rest of my lunch time. Stupid me. I just had to get myself involved in other people's business, didn't I? Urgh!!!!! I groaned out loud at that.
I was now in the seating area in the Main Office with a pen and a few papers to fill out. The tenth grade girl who supplied the Epi-Pen also had to fill out these bothersome papers. From the looks of it she was just happy and smiling while working on whatever she had to write. What the hell was there to be happy about anyway?
Me on the other hand I'd rather be anywhere but here.
One thought I had about this was that filling these shìt tons of paperwork would be a major hindrance for others – or me for that matter – in helping others in need in emergency situations should they arise.
Yeah, I sounded like a bitch. So, what?!!!
I would like to make a promise to myself that I would never again bother to assist others in the future. But, hey! That would be a promise easily broken. However, at the very least this would get me to think twice before inserting myself in any situation that I could help.
"Erm, bye Cayden!"
I looked up and that girl was still smiling and waving at me before getting up and walking herself towards the desk where the school's headmistress Dr. Sandra Grant had attached herself to. I was surprised this little girl even knew my name! I had to give the girl a small wave as she continued to wave excitedly at me before I eyed back the third of the five-paged incident reports I had to fill up and sign.
Oh, brother!
Once I went over quickly what I had written and saw that all the i's had been dotted and all the t's had been crossed, I put on my signature at the bottom of the last page and made haste to hand in these papers to skedaddle out of here pronto.
Dr. Grant, whom couldn't have looked more professional with her black pantsuit with her shoulder length blond hair perfectly combed, looked up at me while talking on the phone then held up her index finger.
I knew what that meant.
She wanted me to wait for her for a second whilst she finishing up with whoever on the other side of the phone. Not five seconds later she cupped the speaker of the phone and addressed me.
"Do you mind waiting for me in my office through that door over there?"
I mind! Of course I mind! I mind that, thank you very much! I screamed that internally.
I looked at the direction at the other side of the Main Office, squarely at the big dark brown door.
"Excuse me?" I said to the Headmistress. I wondered why I had to go in there, especially given the fact that the tenth grader girl was able to leave this office. Hmm...
I then detected a note of exasperation when Dr. Grant sighed a long one.
"I have quite a few things to discuss with you, Mr. Carpenter. Just wait for me in there. I'll try to finish this as soon as possible," she finished.

Boarding Boys (BoyxBoy)
Teen FictionCayden Carpenter has never thought that his life could get any worse than it already is. At the age of 16, he was forced to attend a prestigious boarding school because of his academic excellence in high school. All he has ever wanted is to be left...