This chapter was written in about six hours or so. My deepest apologies if nothing makes any sense whatsoever or it doesn't read as I had originally intended. Let me know if there's anything I need to fix or to clarify.
Oh, if you haven't read Chapter 7 yet, the link is as follows. Just copy and paste it on your default web browser, I suppose. Unfortunately you have to 'Follow Me' if you want to read it. That goes without saying. Duh! *wink*
If all else fails, you can just go ahead and click the direct link as above that should have already been put in the first 'COMMENT' in this chapter if you were to use a web browser. Just go ahead and click on it.
To those who read, voted, and commented on the previous chapter, I sincerely thank you. Especially to the ones that took their time to leave me comments/feedback. I truly appreciate and love reading them. Dedications and shout outs to y’all. They are:-
@LuxuryCat , @iam_insomniac , @SeikaPhoenix , @direfaery , @KimberlyFeehery , @GreysAnatomyForever , @Neko-Boi , and @WindWisker
That's all for now. Enjoy!
VIDEO------------------> 'White Flag' by Dido
PICTURE--------------> Logan Lerman as Cayden (just because...)
What the hell? Seriously. WHAT. THE. FUCKING. HELL?!
"Oh, someone’s pissed!" exclaimed Tyler, sounding a bit chipper for my liking.
"Oh, really?" I rhetorically retorted. "What gave you that idea, huh?!" Hells yeah I was pissed. Beyond pissed. Like, whatever!!!
And Tyler who stood by my side just ignored my last comment and laughed and laughed like a stupid idiot! I had to just groan out loudly; furious, and exasperated. My whole face must have colored like a very red beet. That’s how angry I was. The thing was Tyler and I had just gotten back from having breakfast at the Dining Hall. We were both about to wake up our roommates Sean and Fitz. But here I was, standing like a statue; shocked and anger was all I could feel.
It was all because of Tyler and I accidentally heard Fitz clearly was having a sex dream. Now, that was not a biggie for me. But… what was a huge deal for me was to hear Fitz mentioning my name in that sex dream of his. MY FREAKING NAME! The blondie could not have been having a sex dream about me right? Right?! RIGHT?!!!
I was SO floored! And livid! Yup. Oh, I wanted so much to believe that he was dreaming about some bimbo with the same name as mine and not me. But, even I didn’t believe that. What stopped me from going ahead to wake FItz up was when both Tyler and I heard it clearly when he said “Come for me, Cayden.” In. His. Freaking. Sleep! Oh, boy. Both Tyler and I heard that VERY clearly. Deep red blush which had subsided only to return on my cheeks stronger and more prominent now, which I could easily tell by how livid I was feeling inside.

Boarding Boys (BoyxBoy)
Teen FictionCayden Carpenter has never thought that his life could get any worse than it already is. At the age of 16, he was forced to attend a prestigious boarding school because of his academic excellence in high school. All he has ever wanted is to be left...