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This chapter is SO UNEDITED that it technically and truly is a first draft. No kidding here. I'll come back to fix any mistakes when I can. Enjoy!


PICTURE------> Logan Lerman as Cayden

VIDEO---------> 'Problem' by Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea




I couldn't help but to groan deeply and with complete satisfaction as the hot water cascaded fully making its way down from the top of my head downward all over my aching body, washing away the gross dried chlorine, dirt, and all kinds of gunk that were stuck to my skin. Hot water had never felt so good on my body right about now as it massaged and alleviated the achiness and soreness of my muscle. I then sighed tiredly as I felt the tension so pent up inside of me also slowly being washed away down the drain.

What made this mundane activity even better was to have the communal shower inside this locker room all to myself. To be able to finally be by myself had never felt so good. I felt like I had never felt so content; it truly felt as if I had just had the best orgasm ever, if that even made any sense at all. Exhausted but content had never felt good to me.

There I went again, thinking about sex, sex, and sex! What was wrong with me? Oi! Sigh.

Nevertheless, I could not believe how I'd evolved so much that I had forgotten that great feeling of being alone. Most people prefer to be around other people. But I was not them one of those people. I had always preferred to be in solitude and far from prying eyes if I could. Now that this sudden realization came down on me as if I had just been struck by an eighteen wheeler, I couldn't help but thinking to find other ways to be in this position or this situation again. Mainly because I kind of needed it.

After opening my eyes and then proceeded to pump a couple of dollops of hair shampoo that I had brought along with me, I then went ahead to shampoo, massage, and scrub my medium-length brown hair that I thought had gotten too long for my liking. I supposed maybe I should get it cut some time this weekend. As my hair was being shampooed, every little thing that had happened today came back to me full force. Especially with all the things that had to do with the blonde hulk, Fitz.

What was up with that dude today? First came the little talk about me trying so hard to elude him, in which I of course had to lie to him as for the real reasons behind it due to not wanting him to get further upset with me than he already was. Now that I thought about it, an angry Fitz was not someone I liked to face ever again if I could. Then came the so-called wager and bet that he just suddenly sprung on me. Seriously, what was that all about?

Alright. I would be lying big time if I said I didn't have any inclination or suspicion whatsoever as for the reasons why Fitz had done what he did. The man-hulk had said so himself that he needed to be closer to me since he liked me. Unfortunately, the question I had had since we both had agreed upon this little wager was that 'did Fitz like me as in like me?!' Pursing my lips, I couldn't help but to wonder if Fitz had developed a crush or some other form of romantic feelings for me. If he didn't, then I supposed Fitz was just toying with me, playing me and my emotions. This in hindsight was a big no no, and I must do something about it to stay ahead of his game, and then quashing it like a bug, crushing the guy before he got to exact his first strike at the small me.

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