VIDEO-------------------> 'Work [Put It In]' by Kelly Rowland
PICTURE---------------> Logan Lerman as Cayden
Wow. I’ve never been this tired my whole life. What an interesting and exhausting the day had become. And school hadn’t even begun yet. Wow. Just wow.
Looking at my watch and it was already quarter past ten. Where did the time go? Hot damn! I seriously needed to get a grip. What was I supposed to do with these books? Nah. I should just leave them where they were for now and tomorrow morning I’d have to wake up early and get ready to take these books to my locker in the Main Building.
Looking at the schedule which was given to me by the school’s administrator, I only had four classes tomorrow, and that was kind of weird. Each period is about ninety minutes long. Boy, the schedules here are kind of weird. Totally different from my last school. Then again this is a private school. Of course they would do it differently than a public school. What was I thinking?! Duh!
I didn’t even bother to unpack the stuff that I had gotten and brought with me today. I mean who knows; tomorrow I’m pretty sure I’d get expelled if the headmistress knew what I had done to the bee-yotch. Oh well. Might as well enjoy the first and last night of living at the ‘prestigious’ St. Andrews. See the sarcasm there? Yeah. I’ve been very bitchy lately. That’s me. Cayden the feisty one! ‘Ssssssss’ just flowed out of my mouth as I touched my pointed-to-the-air sexy ass with my tongue-touched index finger as if I marked it like with a hot metal like a cow being marked by a cow farmer. If that makes any sense.
But, seriously though. What would I do if I got expelled? Where would I live? I hope the Kents hadn’t given my bed to some other poor kid yet. Fingers crossed. Ooh, Mrs. Higganbotham my social worker is not going to like this. That poor old lady. More importantly, where the hell was my roommate? I thought for sure he’d be in our room, but he still wasn’t here; dinner was over couple of hours ago. Oh! I forgot. I was out in the back of the dorm building talking to Mandy on the phone. Duh! I swear I was getting dumber and dumber the longer I stayed at this school. Hot damn! Just…fuck my life.
I felt bad for listening to Mandy crying incessantly like that on the phone. I missed her too, but she knew this wasn’t what I had wanted for myself. I mean attending this school. I was forced to come here. And it’s all thanks to her dads. They were the ones that did this to me. And my social worker the ever fantabulous Mrs. Higganbotham too was in on it as well. Gah! Anyway, Mandy and I talked on the phone for almost an hour tonight. Damn that girl can talk! But I was glad that it was her. I missed her very much. To be honest, if it wasn’t because of her I might have killed myself long time ago. Yeah. It was not my finest moment to decide to end my life but I was glad she was there for me. For such a small and young little girl, Mandy was too mature for her age and she just knew how to make me happy, and to make me realize that there are some people out there that still wanted me to live and to love. I really had thought the last person that loved me was my grandma, but then Mandy came into my life, and here we are. I hated that she hated knowing I was this far away from her, and I did too, but what can I do? Nothing was the answer at the moment! God. I can’t wait to be eighteen and get out of this hell hole that I call my life.
After putting away my expensive belongings such as my unopened laptop and printer into my room locker and locking it, I undressed and with only a towel wrapped around my waist I grabbed my bucket filled with essential toiletries and shower stuff and walked out of my room to go to one of the communal showers which is at the back end of the dorm building as it is the closest to my room. There’s one more communal shower at the very front of the building. When I got in there, I was glad that there were about ten empty showerheads. The five toilets are in a separate room across the hall from the shower. Yeah, I checked earlier.

Boarding Boys (BoyxBoy)
Roman pour AdolescentsCayden Carpenter has never thought that his life could get any worse than it already is. At the age of 16, he was forced to attend a prestigious boarding school because of his academic excellence in high school. All he has ever wanted is to be left...